Ooh, reverse psychology still works! I wonder if Freud believed in reverse psychology. Probably.
(Sigmund) Freud was a world renowned thinker of the early twentieth century and the pioneer of psychoanalysis, a school of thought largely discredited by modern day psychology that has found a pleasant niche in literature and the arts. Psychoanalysis maps every action we have to an unconscious desire that motivates our very being and while he was this mad dude who shagged his patients and thought that all boys want to shag their mothers as part of their routine psychosexual development, he did revolutionize our interpretation of the subconscious mind. (He also had quite a good beard.)
Freud also said that when you’re walking towards to someone and as they approach you both go in the same direction and you can’t get past, this is a manifestation of a mutual sexual tension between the parties. Next time you do it with a massive fat guy at the supermarket, take comfort in that thought.
I feel I may have discussed Freud a little bit too much. But surely a little Freud is good for you. Or is that vegetables? Or being outside. The last time I went outside I ended up in a gay bar. Judging by the wretched cough and thumping headache I still can’t shake, I should have stuck with the vegetables.
Video games. Try and steer this back on topic. (Although drifting off topic is one of the few pleasures left in life, I’ve found. And I’d like to think this is more enjoyable to read anyway. Maybe.) In this issue, we ramp up the excitement of Xenoblade Chronicles releasing in the US on Friday (IT’S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRI….. sorry, that happens sometimes) as our resident Xeno-expert Katharine returns to the game for the first time since her original playthrough back in August for her review. We also ask our readers (hey, you guys!) whether you’ll be picking up the game in our weekly poll.

I have no idea why this is in our media library whatsoever but penguins are kinda cool.
Elsewhere in the realm of Rainfall matters, we drop you another video special from our very own Dustin as he investigates whether The Last Story may have borrowed some musical melodies from the canon Final Fantasy IV. See, you can’t say we don’t tackle the big issues here at Nintendojo, that is headline grabbing stuff! (Especially when you compare it to the world of British politics, the biggest news story of the past week has been about a new tax on the sale of warm baked goods, pasties in particular. Now that’s not PASTE-ies; it’s past-ies. Like pasta. No I don’t know why they’re big deal either. It’s kind of like bread in Hunger Games. I think.)
If you thought that we couldn’t shut up about Nintendo RPGs with Square Enix roots then we will prove you wrong with an entire feature by newbie writer Michael Contino about Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. That’s you showed up! After hiatuses, we’ll also see the return of our Green Switch Palace and Star Road columns and the latest episode of Nintendo Heartcast won’t be beat-ing around the bush (or ribcage) when it arrives on Wednesday. Wow, this joke is flatlining.
If you lasted this long through my verbal drivel then I congratulate you thoroughly. As a reward, I won’t come to your house and sing Nicki Minaj at you. The rest of you deserters, prepare to be audibly tortured,
Adam Sorice
PS – Did you like this off-the-wall variety of Editor’s Letter or was it just a bit pants? Let us know in the comments’ section below!
Your week at Nintendojo, Issue 96: Giving up the Gun
Poll: A Chronicle Begins! by Adam Sorice
We ask if you’ll be picking up Xenoblade or not. Or one of the other options.
Video Feature:Music Thievery? by Dustin Grissom
We investigate whether The Last Story‘s main theme has a musical lineage older than you’d first think.
Nightly News Roundup by Pierre Bienaimé
We bring you today’s news… today.
Back to Bionis: Revisting Xenoblade Chronicles by Katharine Byrne
Katharine returns to her holiday RPG romance and asks if Xenoblade stands the test of time.
Nightly News Roundup by Mel Turnquist
We bring you tomorrow’s news.. you’ve guessed it, tomorrow.
Nintendo Heartcast 009 by Noah Ward and Evan Campbell
Noah and Evan fangasm over all things Nintendo once again in the latest episode of NHC.
Journey back to Star Road by Michael Contino
DON’T STOP … BELIEVIN.. oh wait, different Journey. This is about Geno. *nods*
Nightly News Roundup by Katharine Byrne
Every day we’re newsilin.
Star Road: Improving a Legend by Kevin Knezevic
We liked Skyward Sword but Kevin thinks he could improve it in some ways.
Nightly News Roundup by Dustin Grissom
I think you’re getting the jist with this now.
Green Switch Palace by Marc N Kleinhenz
Another journo-packed entry of our positive affirmation palatial column. With switches.
Nightly News Roundup by Kevin Knezevic
If there’s too much news on Thursday we’ll use it in this article and call it “Yesterday’s News”.
Week: End Game: On by Eileen Cullen
We blow our weekly colon budget on this round table as the staff discuss their gaming activities for the weekend!
Coming up next week… Issue 97: Complaint Department
If you wanna complain, we’re not the complaint department. (We’re Nintendojo, duh.) Expect controllers, West vs. East, more Dante’s Inferno and maybe even some more Nightly News Roundups. I know, we’re mental.
Penguins are cool! Freud its not!