Issue 95: Focus Blast

How we’ll make you love us this week.

By Andrew Hsieh. Posted 03/26/2012 14:27 Comment on this     ShareThis

It’s almost April, and you know what that means– Xenoblade Chronicles in eleven days! We should start a countdown, or something. Do you think if we republish our Xenoblade Chronicles review every day, the game will come out any quicker? It’s hard to say for sure but I think we should try it.

(Ed. Note– At this point, Andrew was choked to death by a wild Tangela. We’ve since replaced him with a lifelike model not unlike the one used for Paul McCartney.)

Kidding! Just kidding! Of course we’ll have original content instead of the same review every day, considering the alternative would be silly. And while we wait for games like Rhythm Thief and the Emperor’s Treasure and Heroes of Ruin— new IPs all, boy do we love 3DS– we’ll just have to get down and dirty with games that we know and love already. I know The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword still vexes me with its laughing Goddess Cubes (they really do laugh at me, I can hear them), and meanwhile I’ll be posting a review of Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater this week as well. Don’t expect video, though. You’ve no idea how much I died on the very first encounter.

Darn crocodiles.

We know you’ve missed Airship Travelogues and Nintendo Heartcast, but this week marks the return of the former and next week we’ll have that other one. And this week also marks the premiere of Boxed In, the only column around with a special focus of art in Nintendoland! If anyone tells you Nintendojo’s been slow lately, well, it’s because we’ve been preparing the good stuff for y’all. We’ve even got two new writers coming in. Word is they’re here to make you happy, which, ha ha, is generally the whole point of Nintendojo.

Anyway, since it’s still raining outside (so much for sunny California), our recommendation is to stay indoors and just read Nintendojo– or play video games– until your eyes either bleed or mutate into super video game-enhanced eyes. It’s a good thing.


Issue 95: Focus Blast

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Review by Andrew Hsieh
Barring some control issues, this is one hot game.

Another Castle: Infernal Revelations – Part I by Katharine Byrne
Resident Evil: Revelations quotes heavily from Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, but what does it all mean?

Passing the Test by Kevin Knezevic
What makes a video game great?

Boxed In: Kid Icarus: Uprising by Andrew Hsieh
Kicking off a new mini-column, celebrating box art of all shapes and sizes!

Fan Service by Mel Turnquist
Because you can never get too crazy with those video game fans.

Video: Music Thievery? by Dustin Grissom
The Last Story meets Final Fantasy IV?

Additional features in this issue…

Every. Single. Day.

  • Nightly News Roundup by Nintendojo Staff


  • Airship Travelogues 016


  • Week: End Game: On by Nintendojo Staff

Coming Up Next Week…

Issue 96: Giving up the Gun
Who needs first-person shooters when you’ve got Pit?

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