You know, after the big issue rehaul thirty-two issues ago– has it really been that long?– a few things changed. The first, and most obvious, is our transition from thematic content into more relevant, more varied content; there may not be issues devoted exclusively to Link anymore (unless it’s Skyward Sword week), but there’s plenty of other stuff we’re writing about. Second, we added a brand-new podcast, the far-reaching Airship Travelogues, helmed by the indomitable Noah Ward and Marc Kleinhenz, and it’s been chugging along since. And recently, we put the long-running Dojo-Show-Go! on hiatus– though fans can certainly get their fix of Nintendojo goodness at our new (and longer!) show, Nintendo Heartcast. And finally, we got a whole host of new writers, all of whom are certainly extraordinary. (And nearly half from the UK! They’re taking over, apparently.)
In any case, all this work makes us a little tired! So we’re taking this week off. But hey, that doesn’t mean we’re not posting anything– this week, we’re sharing our favorite content pieces of the year, from old hands like Aaron Roberts to shinier ones like Pierre Bienaimé. From the exact nature of Layton and Luke’s companionship to why that darn plumber keeps chugging along, we’ve got a whole host of stuff to talk about– and with how much we blabber on over the years (it’s been fifteen, by the way– get us a gift!), we’re sure you’ll find a few that you might have missed. And next week? It’s best games of 2011 week. Be prepared to vote! And argue! And all sorts of tomfoolery that happens with this kind of thing.
Anyway, we’ve had a lot of fun writing and playing with you all this year. Seriously, you’re the best readers a site could ask for– so thank you all, and we hope you have a great holiday season!
’til next year–
Issue 82: The Best of Nintendojo 2011
Best of ND 2011: Top Ten SNES RPG Themes
Lewis Hampson braves the flames to summon up his top ten SNES RPG compositions of all time.
Best of ND 2011: Why is Mario So Popular? by Andrew Hsieh
Mario’s been at it for a while now. But how can he keep moving? What’s his appeal, honestly?
Best of ND 2011: Professor Layton and the Lingering Question by Evan Campbell & Noah Ward
The professor and his apprentice are on an excursion in New York City, when…
Best of ND 2011: A Walk Down 8-Bit Lane to Viridian City by Mel Turnquist
Mel spends thirty minutes in the depths of her Pokémon Blue save file.
Best of ND 2011: Cause and Epic Effect by Katharine Byrne
What happened when Mickey Mouse met morality?
Best of ND 2011: The Capcom Five: Requiem for a Dream by Adam Sorice
A retrospective of Capcom’s ambition plans for the GameCube and their lasting effects.
Best of ND 2011: Interview: David Wise by Lewis Hampson
Remember when we met legendary gaming composer David Wise of Donkey Kong Country fame?
Best of ND 2011: Cosplay: The Good, the Bad and the UGH! by Smith Stuart
A light-hearted glimpse at the world of cosplay. Some things can’t be unseen.
Best of ND 2011: The Many Worlds of Majora’s Mask by Kevin Knezevic
What does Zelda have to do with Shrodinger’s Cat? More than you might think.
Best of ND 2011: Capcom, Disney and the NES: The Golden Age of Licensed Games by Michael Edwards
Longest title of an article this year. Maybe. Probably.
Best of ND 2011: The Heroine of Time by Adam Sorice
What if Link was a girl?
… and more as our deciding Mario Kart 7 tournament our week continues!
Additional features in this issue…
- Nintendo Heartcast Episode 003 by M. Noah Ward
Coming Up Next Week…
Issue 83: The Best of Games of 2011
Because we wouldn’t be gamers if we didn’t argue.