They say you should never meet your heroes. And while it normally stands as good advice (due to the fact that we typically build up our idols to such impossible standards that reality swiftly bursts our bubble of delusion) what do you do if your hero doesn’t exist? This is a question that has long plagued the devotees of the likes of Mario, Link, Samus and Fox McCloud and one that we look at in detail throughout this week’s issue.
Ranging from homemade fan creations (because we love our arts and crafts here at the Dojo) to cosplay and fan fics, we analyse, question and occassionally mock the intense world of obsessed fandom. We also reveal a few obsessions of our own along the way (ah, Delia Ketchum) as we take a look into the world of the hardcore fan. Carrying a secret flame for any icons of gaming yourself? If you wouldn’t mind meeting (or dressing up as) someone in particular, let us know in the comments!
Outside of our regular content this week, we’re also trying out a brand new system of news coverage. Ranging from this week’s releases and the latest industry gossip to a roundtable of our weekend gaming activities and a look at the week’s biggest news stories on a Sunday evening, we think it’ll offer a more personalised, engaging way for you to interact with the latest developments in Nintendo gaming. Be sure to let us know what you think!
Issue 49: OMG! I’m Your Biggest Fan
Best of Etsy by Andrew Hsieh
The coolest fan-made apparel from across the interweb. Prepare for your wallet to be significantly emptier.
Cosplay – The Good, the Bad and the “Ugh!” by Smith Stuart
Is Cosplay a harmless afternoon dressed up as an Italian plumber or a cry for help? Smith Stuart investigates.
Tidman’s Take: A Love Letter To Zelda by Matthew Tidman
We’ve all written romantic notes to the girl of our dreams but isn’t she normally real?
Delia? This is Stan! by Adam Sorice
“I saw you talking to Professor Oak last week, is there another man in your life besides me?!”
Nester64x presents Twilightsylvania Princess: Part 1 by Nester64x
Nester has always fancied himself as a novelist and he’s writing the story that you were too much of a hozer to pen.
Hot Air: Fic’ed by Aaron Roberts
Not to be beaten by Nester64x, Aaron took on his own fan fic challenge this week. Landmaster!
Super Mario Bros. Z by James Stank
James discusses the ultimate Nintendo fan series you may have never even heard about.
Additional features in this issue…
- Now Playing by Andrew Hsieh
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 142 by M. Noah Ward
- Industry Chatter by Adam Sorice
- Week: End, Game: On by Nintendojo Staff
- Weekly News Roundup by Adam Sorice
Coming Up Next Week…
Issue 50: Here We Go Again
In celebration of our half-one-hundred issue, expect big changes at Nintendojo. Now how’s that for a cliffhanger?