Every week, Nintendojo presents Week: End Game: On, where the staff at Nintendojo proves that they do more than write the best Nintendo site on the Internet. Or rather, that they do a lot of a research to be able to write these articles– research in the form of video game upon video game upon video game. Check out what we’ve decided to “research” this weekend– and drop by in the comments to let us know what you’re playi– er, “researching”, too.
Joshua Johnston
I’m juggling my time between two games right now: Conduit 2 for Wii and Radiant Historia for DS. Conduit 2 has been a fun ride, thanks in large part to its multiplayer, and it will be getting a full review treatment from me in the next couple of weeks. Radiant Historia, meanwhile, is a deep JRPG that is quickly becoming one of my favorite DS games; the time travel mechanic is awesome and the combat is clever.
Nicolas Vestre
In recent history I’ve completed (100%) Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Both are now two of my favorite Wii games for different reasons. DKCR gave an excellent challenge throughout, and it was an absolute blast collecting everything. Sure, there were some frustrating moments, but the thrill of finding everything makes this a game worthy of the Donkey Kong Country title. Kirby’s Epic Yarn was a nice, relaxing game, with top-quality gameplay and those unique yarn graphics that work so well for the Kirby franchise. Just walking through the game is way too easy; to fully experience this game, everything should be collected (all the gold medals, furniture, mini-challenges). Actually, some of those side-challenges were pretty tough (one of the last ones, in particular, took me countless tries to finish). If you haven’t tried either of these games, do so as soon as possible.
And yes, I know you can get 200% in DKCR. I’m not going to attempt that one right now. :)
MMBN4’s ShadeMan.EXE prepares to make Roll.EXE his dessert … literally.
In more recent history I’ve been playing a lot of Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon. Having played every installment besides the sixth (which I own and will play), it’s easy to see why many consider number four the black sheep of the MMBN series. For one, the story is lackluster and mostly just there to get you from one battle to another. Also, in order to collect all the battle chips and fight all the Navis, the game must be replayed twice. Those who only want to beat the game once will definitely be disappointed. But if you stick with this title, the Battle Network charm is still there.
Over the past few months I’ve been playing Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure for the PSP. Little by little I’ve been chipping away at it. Gurumin is a simple action-RPG with likeable characters, charm, and good level design. As with other games, I like to collect everything for the full effect.
Just today I beat Solar Man in Mega Man 10, and man, did he give me trouble at first. Today I decided to play it on a whim. But somehow I managed to beat the boss that I thought I would never defeat– with only the Mega Buster.
The two games I am really currently playing are Chibi-Robo! for the GameCube and Mega Man Legends for the PS one. These games are very different from each other, so it’s nice to play one for a while and switch to the other in order to avoid being burned out.
Also, I started Metroid: Zero Mission for the Game Boy Advance. Great fun, of course. :)
Kevin Knezevic
My personal playlist hasn’t changed at all in the past couple of weeks. Most of my free time still goes into Pokémon White, where all I really have left to do is breed and take part in the Battle Subway. It may sound pretty monotonous (and it occasionally can be), but I am still having fun with the game and doubt I’ll be putting it down anytime soon.
Find out whether Pilotwings Resort is worth your while when Kevin reviews it later this month.
I’m also still playing Pilotwings Resort in between my sessions of Pokémon. I still have a few missions left to clear in Platinum class, after which I plan on going back to previous ones and shooting for perfect scores. I’m quite pleased with how the game’s turned out, and I should have my review of it finished pretty soon.
Smith Stuart
I’ve been planet-hopping on Super Mario Galaxy 2 since the start of May, and I’m just about to finish up collecting all of the Green Stars with Luigi. Like most Mario titles, while playing it I find myself bent on the desire to be intensely challenged to the brink of my abilities (this likely stems from being raised on the tough-as-nails NES.) Fortunately, I’ve found SMG2 to be decently more difficult than its simpler forerunner… all while remaining tolerable, of course.
And despite having oodles of brand-new epics on my gaming shelf, my next play is scheduled to be LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean. I’m much looking forward to sailing through and reviewing this movie tie-in for the Man later this month.
Adam Sorice
Saturday is a day of questions. Some of this morning’s included “Where am I?”, “What on Earth happened last night?” and my personal favourite, “Do I have enough money to get chicken nuggets for breakfast?” (Luckily the answer was yes.)
But after these questions are addressed (and I finally get back home because this journey is taking two hours to cover twenty miles, I could briskly jog home quicker than this) then my next one will undoubtedly be “What games shall I play this weekend?” Following the end of exams, I now no longer have to worry about any supreme guilt derived from casually playing video games or even reading for pleasure. Summer, ahoy!
With this excitement in mind, I may dedicate a weekend to sailing through a Professor Layton adventure on DS (Pandora’s Box/The Diabolical Box has been lying unopened since Christmas) or perhaps indulge in the quirky cult classic, Doshin the Giant on GameCube. Or end up playing Pokémon Black, as usual.
Aaron Roberts
I’d like to say that I’m playing all-new games that are fantastically amazing, but I’m far to busy working my first and second jobs to spend the majority of my time playing games. At least I get to watch a lot of baseball.
Lamia Loveless prepares to pilot the Angelg, the mighty ship that sends enemies Ash to Ash.
Anyways, to get to the point, this week I busted out Super Robot Taisen 2: Original Generation for GBA again, as I love to make robots duke it out to the death, and I’ve also been leveling up my Pokémon in Pokémon Black, and I’m still playing that Tales game, too, trying to finish all the secret missions.
For next week I’m thinking about picking up Dead or Alive: Dimensions, despite the almost complete lack of beach volleyball.
Lewis Hampson
This weekend, I shall be indulging myself with Metroid Other M, which I have shamefully negelcted for the past few weeks. Also, I really need to begin my yearly play through of Illusion of Time/Gaia, so will probably break out the good old SNES on Sunday.
Weekend, I bid you farewell.
Matthew Tidman
For me, this weekend is all about Game Boy classics. While I was ferreting around a local used game shop I came across Tetris Attack and Metroid II. It just goes to show that you really can be surprised by what you’ll find if you take the time to check out one of these fine establishments. I totally recommend it.
Andrew Hsieh
I’ve still yet to pick up a 3DS this weekend, so while I’d love to say something like “I am totally beating on Zangief in Super Street Fighter IV 3D,” it’d be a horrible, horrible lie. Instead, I’ve been checking out The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening again, just because a) it’s my second-favorite Zelda title next to The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and b) Game Boy games make me feel like I’m a kid again (i.e. times when I didn’t have to pay bills). And of course, like most everyone else, I’m still playing my copy of Pokémon White, taking advantage of the Dream World to get nifty new abilities. Plus, I just bred a Jolly Drilbur with 31 IVs in HP, Attack, Speed and Defense– so I can finally get out of Breedingland. (I’ve been breeding and releasing these Drilburs for almost a month now. I’m really friggin’ glad that’s over with.)
Link’s Awakening is also known for being the first Zelda game written by Yoshiaki Koizumi. Trust us, it’s important.
Other than that, I’m not really doing much. I confess I’m playing a bit of Super Meat Boy on the PC, but keep in mind I totally would play it on Wii if it had gotten released on WiiWare. Unfortunately, it hasn’t, so … well, this is the only way I can play it. (Plus, I’m playing it using a Xbox 360 controller. Let the accusations of blasphemy begin.)
Greg Wampler
Right now, I am absolutely all about playing 3DS games. I can’t get enough of PES 2011 3D, SSFIV: 3D Edition and Ridge Racer 3D. Amazingly, these are types of games I never used to love playing, but now, 3D really helps give me a reason to. I mean, I would only buy a new soccer (football for you non-Americans) title maybe once every ten years and I’d be fine with it for that duration of time. However, soccer in 3D is a HUGE difference.
How about you? Tell us what you’re playing researching this weekend in the comments below.