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James, Aaron and Noah talk through the week’s tasty news morsels.
You can send in feedback to showmail at nintendojo dot com, facebook.com/nintendojo or twitter.com/nintendojo! You can also leave a comment below!
Recording Date
May 10, 2011
Noah, Aaron and James
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:17 What We’re Playing
00:05:46 Marketing, Mercenaries and More!
00:22:14 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:27:10 Conclusion & Fan Fiction Assignment
00:29:09 Credits
00:31:22 Total Length
Re: Remixes– there used to be VGRemix.com as well, but ever since the golden age of video game music came and passed (remember MIDIs? oh man) they’ve been kind of lingering. I’m always happy to see a new OCRemix, though!
Hey speaking of fandom as your weekly theme. Question. What is this Nintendojo E3 2000 incident I keep hearing about? Several other game podcasts I listen to have mentioned when discussing previous E3s.
Also anybody on staff playing Conduit 2 yet? Its surprisingly fun IMO. I’ve played more than I played the first and GE Wii combined. And I got it not even 2 weeks ago.
If I remember correctly it has to do with the year that Nintendojo staff all had matching uniforms. But the big “incident” is really just something small and inconsequential.
It also has to do with a staff member named Nathan Heckel (if I remember the name correctly) who called Shigeru Miyamoto: “Miyamoto-Sama” Sama is an honorific you give to a saint or a god. In Japanese, there are various honorifics that you can attach to a name to denote affiliation. Items like sempai (teacher/upper classman), kun (small child/younger sibling), san (general honorific), and so forth. Most of the time, a person is called by their last name. Calling someone by their first name denotes friendship.
Anyhow, there was a Question and Answers panel that year and Nathan asked a question to Miyamoto, but used the honorific in his question. The use of the honorific shocked and bewildered Miyamoto who made a statement to the regards of “That is flattering and embarrassing” before answering the question. Many of the other websites devoted themselves to making fun of the Nintendojo staff because of this incident. I think it was a combination of the awkward uniforms and the “fan boy” nature of the honorific.
There you go. Dirty laundry out to wash. The “Nintendojo Incident” is something small, amplified by those green and orange uniforms.
Ah gotcha. I was just like “why is IGN talking about Nintendojo?.”
Because they’re JEALOUS of us, KisakiProject! … haha
If IGN is talking about Nintendojo.. it’s ironic. Mainly because Peer Schneider was a member of Nintendojo at one time. Then he split with Matt Casssaaasssssmina (Can never spell his name) to start up N64.com. Which was about the Nintendo 64 Bit project reality. After Nintendo ended up naming the N64, the N64 and not the Ultra 64, they bought the domain name off of Peer. Essentially to a cool million.. which they used to found IGN64, which then branched out into different sites. They then formed a shell company called Snowball to “sell” themselves to themselves in a bid to get onto the NASDAQ. Using the capital credit line from Snowball, they paid for some pretty expensive parties at E3. (Which were great. I was an IGN affiliate and a Snowball shareholder during the early 2000’s.) Essentially, the only thing keeping IGN afloat right now is constantly “merging” with other networks in an effort to grab brands (like Rotten Tomatoes) and pretend viability. Which is why you saw IGN move in with GameSpy. Then they suckered Newscorp into buying them in late 2008. Newscorp dumped them recently and IGN is now shacking up with UGO in an effort to maintain viability.
TL;DR: Without Nintendojo, IGN would have never been born. They should show some respect.
It’d be awesome to see a lot of the unused characters from the RE series show up in Mercenaries, but you know the one guy I’d love to see (and play as)? I know he’s TECHNICALLY not a main character, but he’s become so popular, and while he is just an extra, he’s still the most popular zombie in the series. We’ve got to have him: Dr. Salvador! The chainsaw, the burlap sack-mask, the whole bit! He’s just awesome!
On a different note, I can see the marketability of sequels, but eventually, franchises get driven into the ground. What would happen if all the major movie studios had a 80% sequel policy?
If all the major studios had an 80% sequel policy, then we would be in the same boat we are now.
Avenger Prequel Movie 4: Thor
Pirates 4
Bad Tyler Perry Movie 9
Harry Potter 7 part 2
Cars 2
Winnie the Pooh theatrical movie 2
Kung Fu Panda 2
Fast Five
Terrible Woody Allen movie set in a large city 14
R-Rated Wedding Comedy
PG-13 Rated Wedding Comedy
PG Rated Wedding Comedy
The Hangover 2
J.J. Abrams trolls us again
Terrence Malick makes you hate life again
X-Men 4: The Prequel: “Please forgive us.”
Shakey-Cam Horror movie 7: Now with Swedish Trolls.
Vampire movie 87
Of course, most of these will be pretty fun and I’m just being cynical. :-)
Especially Swedish Trolls. I’ve been waiting for that movie for YEARS.
My bad. Norwegian Trolls. Not Swedish ones. That said, I can’t wait to see that silly sounding movie. It could be just as good and quirky as movies like District 9, Monsters (2010), and Rec.