Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 129: Love Match Game

What game should you bring to a date, and which could be on for 3DS.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 02/10/2011 10:00 8 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 129: Love Match Game

Evan, Tidman and Noah discuss secret 3DS games and the best game to bring out when on a date.

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Recording Date
February 8, 2011

Noah, Tidman and Evan

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:22 What We’re Playing
00:21:52 3DS Games in Development
00:26:29 Best Games for a Date
00:31:27 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:43:45 Conclusion
00:44:23 Credits

00:46:37 Total Length


8 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 129: Love Match Game”

  • 441 points
    Terr says...

    Haha nice show here!
    Matthew, you feel the same way about Cave Story that I feel about Final Fantasy IV. I’ve been playing that 2-3 times a year since the 90’s when I first played it. First it was the SNES version, then the PS1, then on the GBA & now on the DS (and After Years on the Wii). I will even get the PSP Complete version coming out. To me FFIV is perfection of video gaming & storytelling. The DS version that came out is such a fantastic translation & revision of cut scenes & voice acting that I am waiting with stars in my eyes for what the psp version could bring to the table.

    About Ghost Trick; I did finish it & it’s easily one of my favourite games. What you were saying about it being mature is too right. Not only do people die, but time after time your characters treat death as nothing at all & end up mocking it in some respects. Oh, we’ll just keep killing you until we find out the way to save you… over & over & over. Death is a total laughing matter because you can just go reverse it if you want. Whereas that might not seem like a big thing to some… to normal people who live in a world without video games or the amount most of us play… that’s a pretty grim viewpoint.

    On a side-note, in regards to the Rumble question that came up. I hate vibration/rumble in ANY game. If there is an option to turn it off, I will do it 100% of the time in any game. Not only does it irritate the hell out of me, but it also sends little shocks through my hands when it happens… I don’t know why, but it’s uncomfortable.

    Well, it was a good show. Sorry if the feedback is TOO LONG! I just type out my thoughts as I listen to the podcast so sometimes it’s long, sometimes it’s not. Keep it up!

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    Love dmgice’s trolling.

  • 276 points
    Nicolas Vestre says...

    Is it just me, or is the time stamp on Warm fuzzies feedback off?

    00:47:26 Warm Fuzzies Feedback

    00:43:45 Conclusion

    Going by this, the conclusion happened before the feedback.

    Maybe I’m wrong. ;)

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    Just downloaded the show and I’ll listen to it soon. I just have to comment reallly quickly that the picture of Yoshi and Birdo looks drastically inappropriate… or possibly appropriate. I’ll find out when I listen to the show.

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    When they announced “Games for Couples” the first thing that popped into my head was Bubble Bobble. Glad to see it there. I may throw in games like the Professor Layton series. Actually my girlfriend and I are playing through them currently. She’s in Diabolical Box and I am in Unwound Future. We already beat Curious Village.

    Nintendo -most likely- already has content available for the eShop; but I can see them delaying that so that Third Party Developers can finish up their eShop titles. It’s not outside the realm of possibility. Given the statements in Iwata Asks lately, I think this is the most likely scenario.

    Rumble in games was neat in Star Fox 64 and other games; but it isn’t really needed on a handheld. Although Nintendo could make a “rumble game pak” like they did with Pokemon Pinball, Perfect Dark, and other titles. My take on rumble is that it adds to games like Goldeneye and Metal Gear Solid. It’s not really that useful or interesting in some games though.

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