Nintendo Heartcast Episode 43: Sour Rolls

Noah and Evan debate what Wii U’s initial sales numbers may mean, and Evan shares thoughts on Dillon’s Rolling Western and Trine 2.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 01/16/2013 09:00 6 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 43: Sour Rolls

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 43: Sour Rolls

Noah and Evan debate the merits of Dillon’s Rolling Western and whether Wii U’s sales numbers spell catastrophe.

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Recording Date
January 14, 2013

Noah and Evan

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction and Game Night Results
00:02:02 Player Input: Dillon’s Rolling Western, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Trine 2
00:27:47 News: Preliminary Wii U Sales Numbers In
00:51:13 Listener Feedback
01:06:12 Conclusion
01:06:49 Credits
01:08:45 Total Length


6 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 43: Sour Rolls”

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    My Pandora’s tower prediction was correct. Will buy. Though given WiiU’s software issues its too bad they didn’t just do a quick HD port and put it out on that. I also finally ordered the Last Story.

    BTW WiiU is tracking behind Wii/3DS in Japan but ahead of PS3/GCN/XBOX360/Vita. SO it’s doing okay I think Wii/DS phenom just set the standards too high. I agree with Evan this gen was a bubble and it will deflate a bit. Also I agree with Evan Nintendo does best as an underdog. N64/GCN was my favorite Nintendo area specifically cause they had to be creative and try so hard.

  • 66 points
    Demyx says...

    I was wondering where do you signed to gaming night? I’m new here.

  • 27 points
    NinFando says...

    New listener to the podcast. Love the energy and enthusiasm noah and evan have for nintendo, and gaming as a whole. Keep up the great work guys. By the way, my Wii U ID is Traze24 if anyone is interested in adding me.

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    With Nintendo’s announcement of the release dates made short work of my Luigi mansion DM prediction. But my Heroes must Die prediction would be nice with using the touch screen for a sadistic interrogation by Travis. I have been playing Fire Emblem Awakening demo and from what I played the writing/story is fun. Just being stuck with Identical voice as one of the characters is annoying. It does make me think about putting it on my radar of purchasing. About the Rolling western game, I am sure the designers realize that you have that much money building it up. there should be a good use if you give it more time with it.

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