Poll: Multitasking on 3DS

Which 3DS apps do you use the most often?

By Andrew Hsieh. Posted 01/23/2012 07:01 4 Comments     ShareThis

There’s a bunch of apps on 3DS. Maybe it’s not as much as, say, iOS– but then again, not even Android Market can measure up to that. No, what 3DS (and DSiWare)’s apps lack in quantity, they often make up for in quality– and those of us lucky enough to have such systems definitely can attest to this. From the Nintendo 3DS Camera to Nintendo Video to even the Nintendo Zone, Nintendo brands its apps almost as much as Donald Trump does his skyscrapers, and it’s because the company’s proud of them. What about you, Nintendojoites? Which apps do you use? And if you don’t– why not?

[poll id=”97″]

4 Responses to “Poll: Multitasking on 3DS”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    I _really_ hope SwapNote isn’t the “updated Flipnote Studio” we were supposed to get on 3DS. It’s fun, but is a very pale shadow of Studio. The way it blurs one or both layers is pretty gross too, it’s a pain having to readjust the 3D slider looking for that tiny perfect setting every time I use the app.

    It’s also too bad 3DS Sound doesn’t recognize Ogg Vorbis or MP3 files. You know, formats people actually use.

    I love my 3DS for its games (including much downloadable and Virtual Console goodness) but the apps are pretty weak so far. Come on Nintendo, give us a real Flipnote Studio! Better yet, Mario Artist 3D! …well, a guy can dream.

    • 1332 points
      Andrew Hsieh says...

      But 3DS does recognize .mp3! It does .m4a, .mp4, and .3gp too.

      • 1597 points
        penduin says...

        Does it?! Sweet, I partially withdraw that complaint. I must have been thinking of the DSi. I still don’t understand any device’s lack of Vorbis support though. It’s superior to MP3, the easiest codec to implement, and completely license- and patent-free, unlike all the others.

  • 201 points
    NintendoDad says...

    For me it’s Swap Note. In just over a month, it’s now my #2 most played game on my 3DS clocking in at around 28 hours. I feel the need to check it multiple times a day. I’ve also managed to get 100 friends so that definitely increases the number of notes going back and forth. It seems my blue light is on all the time now. My use of it is beginning to decrease as many are writing less notes and probably on to something else but it’ll still be used throughout the 3DS’s life.

    Nintendo Video is about a joke as far as I’m concerned. There has been very little I thought was interesting, although the Kirby: Right Back At Ya cartoon was nice.

    The 3DS camera and 3DS sound I had only used once each, until Swap Note released. I’ve since taken a few pictures to send through notes and have recorded some songs although the 5 second limitation in Swap Note sucks.

    The Activity Log would be my #2 if we are counting that. I love to look at my stats and see which game I played the most a certain month.

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