Nintendo Heartcast 005: Fully Skyward

Neal Ronaghan joins us to do a full-game dissection of Skyward Sword, as well as debate our favorite Zelda games.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 01/26/2012 09:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 005: Fully Skyward

Now that the game has been out for awhile, we’re finally recording our Zelda: Skyward Sword spoilercast! With special guest cohost Nintendo World Report director Neal Ronaghan, we debate our favorite Zelda game overall, and then get into detailed dissection of everything in Skyward Sword, from its controls and visuals to boss design and exposition.

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Recording Date
January 23, 2012

Noah, Evan and Nintendo World Report’s Neal Ronaghan

00:00:00 Introduction
00:06:40 Growing Up Nintendo: Favorite Zelda Games
00:18:27 Master Key Discussion: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Dissected
01:41:35 Listener Thoughts on Skyward Sword
01:57:50 Conclusion
01:59:38 Credits

02:01:29 Total Length


3 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast 005: Fully Skyward”

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    as always great show, i think skyward sword controls are the best in any game Ever. period. The motion control works awesome, you can rotate your hand and actually see how links rotates his hand in the same angle as you. the controls not only detect every arm movement but also hand and wrist movement. at first i was like Noah, i wasn convinced about the controls, but later in the game when i found myself defeating the 12 bosses in the lanayru challange without using a potion or a fairy, i really understood that my own abilities and my own movements have improved, you really become a truly master of the sword. And this extends to other parts of the gameplay experience, like trwowing bombs, shooting arrows, swiming, flying in your loftwing or piloting that damn fun beetle ( upgrade it to see what i’m talking about). Really superb stuff.

    For me the greatest moment in this game is when you enter the thunderstorm at full speed, flying across the dark skies followed by this giant bugs, flapping, diving and barrelrolling trough the air in your red loftwing, then, in the distance a flying whalelike colossus is vissible, you rush to catch him, you look down and make the jump out of your bird, you skydive carefully and land on the flying giant’s head. Then when your done riding the skies in this giant creature, you start running at full speed, the stamina bar decreases and you reach the border of the head and jump into the sky, then you skydive again around and beneath the flying whale and call your loftwing who then comes and take you to ride along with him into the clouds again.

  • 7 points
    Katharine Byrne says...

    Where’s the love for Zelda II, guys!? D: Man, that game was awesome.

    I couldn’t figure out jumping off the statue with the sailcloth either. Took me like ten goes. Tight-rope walking also goes against everything you learned in Wii Fit – I tried holding it straight too, like in Wii Fit, but then I realised that wasn’t working!

    Also, what’s up with not just jumping off Skyloft to call your bird!? Having to dash every time, off the boards too, just doesn’t make any sense. Also, not flying at night is ridiculous.

    I also really enjoyed all the dungeons, though there was one moment where I was really stumped for ages – in the last fire dungeon with the spiky water pods. I had no idea that you were meant to stab them to get them on your sword – in no way did the game prepare you for that, and I only figured it out by complete chance. I knew what I had to do, but for about 30 minutes I was shouting “HOW DO I DO THIS!?” at the screen.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    At least I heard the favorites

    This is the 3rd Skyward Sword Spoilercast that I’ve had to skip. If I don’t get through the game by the time a new Zelda game comes out, probably for 3DS, then I’ll come back and listen to them.

    As for a game that I would like a spoilercast on, I vote for The Conduit. Perhaps some light can be shed on the extra info you get from the environments such as on the TV’s and radio stations. It would also be nice to get a refresher before I play through Conduit 2. I enjoyed playing through The Conduit’s campaign, but I’m having a difficult time remembering the plot. Also, do you think they’re still working on a 3DS version?

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