Despite launching in only three weeks, Nintendo is not done hyping up Pokémon X and Y. Today the company unveiled the evolved forms of Amaura and Tyrunt, the two new fossil Pokémon revealed during last week’s big Poké-announcement.
First up, Amaura evolves into Aurorus, the Tundra Pokémon. Like its pre-evolution, Aurorus is a Rock/Ice Pokémon with the Refrigerate ability. It can learn a new Ice-type attack called Freeze Dry, which has a chance of freezing the opponent, and is super-effective against Water Pokémon.
Tyrunt, meanwhile, evolves into Tyrantrum, the Despot Pokémon. Like Tyrunt, Tyrantrum is a Rock/Dragon-type that has the Strong Jaw ability, which improves the strength of biting attacks such as Crunch. Tyrantrum can learn Head Smash, a powerful Rock-type attack that causes recoil damage to the user.
Like previous Pokémon titles, players will come across special fossils during Pokémon X and Y, which can be revived into either of the above two monsters at the Fossil Lab.
Which fossil Pokémon will you be choosing? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Bulbapedia, Poké