Nightly News Roundup: 2011.05.05

Miyamoto chats on a few different subjects, and the folks at MIT have developed a superior parallax screen.

By James Stank. Posted 05/06/2011 09:17 9 Comments     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Miyamoto Discusses Wii and 3DS

In an interview with The Telegraph, Miyamoto talked all things Nintendo, including 3DS and Project Cafe. When asked why The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was being remade, Miyamoto replied, “After 13 years, there will be the children of today who haven’t experienced Ocarina of Time, it’s brand new for them.” Remaking one of the best games of all time so that new players can enjoy it is certainly understandable, and time will tell if this 3DS re-release can stand up to other 3DS offerings this year. Later in the interview, Miyamoto suggests that games on the e-shop need to be “meaningful,” and may use StreetPass. “if it is a downloadable game, you don’t need to change the game card so we would like to create games that are always there with you-the sort of game that uses StreetPass, perhaps.”

When asked about the possibility of Project Cafe being as successful as Wii, Miyamoto replied, “There’s definitely space for uniqueness in a home console. As you know Wii is family oriented, played in the living room of the household. We’re hoping to evolve that, there’s a variety of options we can think of. If we read into that statement, we can make connections to some of the Project Cafe rumors. If Nintendo wants to evolve gaming out of the living room, controllers with screens would be the obvious method. How do you go about evolving a “family oriented” console? By making it extremely powerful and more hardcore? Time will tell.

Source: The Telegraph

Researchers at MIT Develop Superior 3D Screen

Researchers at MIT have been working on improving some of the same technology that is available in 3DS, namely the parallax screens. “Instead of consisting of a few big, vertical slits, the HR3D parallax barrier consists of thousands of tiny slits whose orientations follow the contours of the objects in the image.” Both the 3DS screen and HR3D are created by using layered screens. However, with the HR3D using tons of little slits in the screen, it allows the image to be seen from multiple perspectives. That is something that the 3DS obviously cannot do. Will we see this technology in a future 3DS upgrade? Probably not, as it is still very experimental.

Source: cnet

9 Responses to “Nightly News Roundup: 2011.05.05”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    Not to insult the Di Vinci of our time, but Shiggy re-releasing Ocarina on EVERY platform is like George Lucas re-releasing Star Wars in EVERY format. I don’t see how there could be anyone who hasn’t experienced Ocarina since it’s been on Wii VC, Gamecube, and N64. I mean, I DO want to check it out in 3D and all, but Ocarina is becoming its own franchise outside of Zelda.

    • 702 points
      Matthew Tidman says...

      And yet, I have to respect that the 3DS version is trying to update the graphics. Every other version has been the exact same game that released 13 years ago. Looking back at it without my “OOTwastheBESTGAMEEVAR!!1!” glasses I have to say that the game looks kind of ugly now. Modernizing the paint makes it more appealing to a group of younger gamers who think “good graphics=good game” and visa-versa.

    • 1332 points
      Andrew Hsieh says...

      One might say Ocarina of Time is getting Final Fantasy VII-fied :)

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    Are you both forgetting that zelda 3d is gonna be more than a hig tech paint job? As for insulting the da vincci of our time: I’m not insulted. J/k kinda. I do have an idea for a holodeck that requires glasses but this isn’t the place to discuss that. Wanna hear more?

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    True, true. As I said, I’m not missing out. Updating the graphics, all the 2.5D (Hyrule Town, indoors, etc) now done in full polygonal graphics. Had to, to support the 3DS’s imaging. So it’s more of a new experience for everybody who’s already played it, rather than bringing in new players who haven’t.

    I’m just saying…let’s not push this too far, shall we?

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    I cant wait to play this in 3d with only 3 heart containers. 3 heart containers is the only way there is remotly any chanllenge to this game (for me). I still use bottled fairies though. I hope they make it more challenging. so much so that I have to increse my heart containers to 4 or 5. Thats if I can break myself from face raiders. (still dont have a 3ds yet.)

  • 183 points
    Williaint says...

    You don’t need to have the 3D viewed by multiple people, as it is a single person console.
    That HR3D would be good for a TV, but pointless for a hand-held.

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