Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 141: Fiction Fulfilled

Long lost Tidman makes a guest appearance and we chat on Cafe’s hard drive and discs, as well as Redbox rentals and 3DS marketing.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 05/06/2011 15:00 9 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 141: Fiction Fulfilled

Aaron and Noah are joined by Tidman to talk more Cafe’s hard drive, Redbox game rentals, 3DS marketing and a flood of feedback.

You can send in feedback to showmail at nintendojo dot com, or! You can also leave a comment below!

Recording Date
May 3, 2011

Noah, Aaron and Tidman

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:54 What We’re Playing
00:21:49 3DS Marketing, Redbox Renting & Cafe Memory
00:39:44 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
01:01:57 Conclusion & Fan Fiction Assignment
01:04:36 Credits

01:06:41 Total Length


9 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 141: Fiction Fulfilled”

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    The Nintendo XStream (NXS)

    I believe that Nintendo’s next-generation console should be called the Nintendo XStream (NXS). Even calling it the N X S (in-excess) sounds cool! Please seriously consider this. I would love for this name to be adopted by Nintendo. Thank you.

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    Yeah guys, sorry about the MML3 obsession, but the original game was the first game that opened my eyes to the fact that popular games weren’t the only good games out there. If it weren’t for Megaman, I probably would be playing Mario Party and Petz. MML made me a hardcore gamer.
    ANYWAY, on to non megaman stuff!
    The redbox at my McDonalds has had games for a while now. Or maybe I should say “game “, since all they’ve ever had is Just Dance 2…
    As for the Cafe…the name should totally be Super Wii!

  • 75 points
    Hbomb says...

    Aaron’s been in FL. Tidman podcasted in FL? Maybe you need someone who lives in FL.

    Anyway, 2 questions:

    Most desired Project Cafe feature?

    Most wanted 3DS VC game?

    • 576 points
      MegabusterLegends3 says...

      Oh man, most wanted on 3DS VC?
      I have 3 top favorites…
      1: Kirby’s Tilt ‘n’ Tumble (With the help of the gyros, of course)
      2: Mother 3 (C’mon, the FANS translated it before you, Ninty!)
      3: Castlevania; Circle of the Moon.
      And maybe Klonoa, for GBA. I always cracked up at it because when Klonoa dies, he says a word that is the spanish equivalent of the F-Bomb…..
      Did I go off topic again?
      Also, what was the first game you were truly obsessed with? I’m sure you know mine already.

    • 165 points
      LocoBaka says...

      My most desired cafe feature is a system that uses lasers to paint sterioscopic images directly on your retinas. The technology already exsists for that today.
      My most wanted 3ds vc game is Links awakening. That game was my introduction to the zelda series. It’s so unlike any story ive heard before it. Basicly, your goal is to compleatly eradicate the world that you woke up in. The ending is kinda tragic if you think about it. I dont think thats too much of a spoiler, is it?

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    Okay guys, I just one heck of a night.
    Last night, I found an article on about videogame urban legends. 2 stood out. One was the Luigi’s Mansion “Hanging Luigi” shadow, supposedly left over from when it was meant to be a darker game (Thoughts on this?)
    The second one was from Mario Galaxy 2, at the Shiverburn Galaxy, where dark, long armed figures are seen watching Mario from the cliffs. These are said to allude to a real urban legend, “Slenderman”. Look up “Marble Hornet”.

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    8GB of storage on Cafe: You heard it from me first.

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