Project Ukelele Is Now Yooka-Laylee

Update: Yooka-Laylee has been funded on Kickstarter!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 04/30/2015 10:55 5 Comments     ShareThis

Update: In under an hour, the title has already hit its Kickstarter goal! Yooka-Laylee is officially headed our way, folks!

Banjo-Kazooie fans, it’s time to break out your checkbooks. Today, Playtonic Games officially announced Yooka-Laylee, the spiritual successor to the Nintendo 64 classic.

The upcoming title will feature Yooka the chameleon and Laylee the bat. Yooka’s tongue doubles as a grappling hook, while Laylee will help provide the ability to fly, and can fire a sonar blast at opponents. The characters were designed by Rare veteran Steve Mayles. During his time with Rare, Mayles was the designer behind Banjo, Kazooie and several members of the Kong family.

The Kickstarter for Yooka-Laylee kicks off tomorrow, May 1. The title is currently planned for release on Wii U. Tier rewards include art books, soundtracks and even a special “64-bit” special edition! That isn’t the only throwback to the game’s N64 roots, however! In the screenshot below, it appears that one of the game’s collectible items is based on the Nintendo 64 controller! Pretty cool!

Stay tuned to Nintendojo for more information on Yuka-Laylee in the very near future! In the meantime, let us know if you’re excited about the upcoming title in the comments below!

Source: IGN

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