In just a few short weeks, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will release on Nintendo 3DS. While most Poké-fans will choose one or the other, Nintendo now has an option for those that want both. The dual pack will be available exclusively at Best Buy and Amazon at an MSRP of $79.98, the same price both games would cost if purchased individually.
While there isn’t a whole lot of incentive to grab both games if you weren’t planning on it already, the bundle does come with a slight reward in the form of a download code for 100 potions per game. That means that trainers just starting their journey will have a little extra help to keep their Pokémon from getting knocked out. It’s not much, but it is a cool little bonus, especially for younger players new to the series.
The Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire dual pack will be available the same day as the individual entries, November 21. Do you plan on picking it up? As always, let us know in the comments below!
Source: Siliconera
My main exposure to Pokemon was through the Smash games until Pokemon Y, which I bought for reasons I still don’t quite understand. :^)
It was a fun light RPG, and the battle mechanics are deeper than I expected, but I’m not sure I “get it”. I can’t start a new file without completely wiping the data from the system menu. Is that to just keep encouraging us to buy the next generation? Have I missed something fundamental and the real game starts after the credits roll?
Anyway I enjoyed my time with Pokemon Y, but I don’t think I’ll be regularly buying future installments. Definitely not in non-discount bundles. And absolutely not on Super Smash Bros U day. :^)
*Phew* I found a safe place. I always feel dirty admitting that I’m not a Pokemon fan. Even the friends of mine who aren’t very passionate about video games will turn up to buy a new Pokemon game.
Maybe if they drastically change up some mechanics for future game I could ge into it, but they might alienate their fanbase that way.