Miiverse’s browser-based capability received a major upgrade today, which should please those gamers who prefer to post on the move or when away from their consoles. Users of the web version of Miiverse are now able to post comments and replies directly from their browser, rather than using it simply as a viewing platform, as was the case prior to now. The functionality is purely text-only for now though, so you’ll have to wait to post with a graphics tablet!
Other features have been added to the service. The wait time for posts has been reduced and now stands at three minutes instead of the original five, and it is possible to delete posts and add/remove friends on the browser edition.
As Nintendo attempts to bring its online strategy into play in ways it has previously failed to capitalise on, it remains to be seen how successful these efforts will be. However, making the Miiverse service available to use from any Internet-enabled device should greatly increase its capability as a social media platform.
Source: Nintendo Life