Nintendo Heartcast Episode 062: Question One

Time to debate how much Xbox One may– or may not– influence Nintendo’s fortunes.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 05/29/2013 09:00 5 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 062: Question One

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 062: Question One

Evan and Noah discuss the Xbox One’s reveal and how it may or may not impact Nintendo and Wii U.

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Recording Date
May 27, 2013

Evan and Noah

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:36 Game Night Announcement
00:04:06 Nintendo’s Next Direct and E3 Plans
00:11:49 Discussion: Xbox One’s Announcement – Our Reactions, Questions and Predictions
01:04:15 Listener Feedback
01:21:22 Conclusion
01:25:09 Credits
01:26:05 Total Length


5 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 062: Question One”

  • 66 points
    Demyx says...

    Personally I couldn’t care less about Xbone. I don’t hate the console I just don’t like shooters or sports games and I love Japanese games. We all know that the best Japanese exclusives are not going to the Xbone. I think the reason behind the hardcore criticism after Microsoft’s press was because Microsoft failed on understanding who was watching the event. Gamers were watching the event, not the casual market. None of my non-gamer friends know what’s an Xbox One. They took 33 minutes until they started talking about the first game, that’s a problem. Also talking about 15 exclusives without showing them is like me saying I will win the lottery in the next 5 years.

    • 27 points
      NinFando says...

      I agree completely. I want a game console for gaming, not for TV manipulation. They had a great opportunity to get people excited for this console, and it seems they have done the opposite. Though just watch, after E3, all of these people whining about the xbox one will be right back on board.

  • 27 points
    NinFando says...

    Great podcast this week as usual guys. Really excited for Nintendo’s showcase at this years E3. Really hope this direct has some real bombshells for us fans. I don’t want to hear about pikmin, and wonderful 101 anymore. Don’t get me wrong, i am excited for them, but it is time to move on to some new titles. This years E3 should be a treat for all video game fans alike. There is a lot to be excited for. Keep up the good work guys.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    Nintendo Wii U E3 Exclusives


    New Super Luigi U
    Game & Wario
    Pikmin 3
    Wii Fit U
    Wonderfull 101
    Beonetta 2
    Wii U Party
    Yarn Yoshi
    Super Mario Universe
    Super Mario Kart U
    The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
    The Legend of Zelda U
    Super Smash Bros U
    Metroid Other M 2
    Fatal Frame U


    Sonic Lost World
    Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
    Mario & Sonic Sports Mix

    Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment – 5th Cell

    Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure

    Square Enix

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut
    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles U


    ZombiU 2


    Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
    MegaMan U

  • 33 points
    RichardS says...

    I don’t have any predictions but I hope there are still a few surprise announcements of games at E3 that we don’t know about yet. The best announcement for me would be that the new Zelda game is coming sooner than later but I doubt it’ll be out by late next year if not longer.

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