Fire Emblem Fates Might Arrive As A Combined Edition in the West

Two isn’t always better than one!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 08/10/2015 15:45 2 Comments     ShareThis

When Fire Emblem Fates launched in Japan earlier this summer, it was released as two different versions: Birthright and Conquest. Both titles have been announced for release in North America and Europe, but a recent listing for Europe on Amazon seems to suggest that they might appear in those territories as a combined title, instead.

While the Fire Emblem franchise has started to gain a larger audience in the west, it still doesn’t have quite the same appeal as some of Nintendo’s premiere franchises. Combining the two versions would certainly help to keep costs lower, and lead to fewer concerns about retail space. The previous title in the franchise, Fire Emblem Awakening, was apparently difficult for some fans to locate in stores, so a single title release would probably be easier for those looking to purchase a physical copy of Fates, as well.

Would you prefer to see Fire Emblem Fates release as a single title in the west? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Source: Destructoid

2 Responses to “Fire Emblem Fates Might Arrive As A Combined Edition in the West”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    After finally getting back into Awakening again, I was pretty sure I’d get Fates. After reading what turned out to be the final Iwata Asks, I knew I wanted to play through both (well, all three) stories in the upcoming game. So, however it’s packaged here, I’ll be buying all of it.

    For years I only knew Fire Emblem as “those games the sword guys in Smash Bros came from”, but I’m very glad I finally gave the series a shot.

  • 0 points

    I’d rather have both titles combined myself, for one price. Kind of like the Puzzle & Dragons game, good idea. And, lets NOT have one game be a download code. That would be STOOPID.

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