From tense recreations of history to a testosterone fueled amusement park ride, Call of Duty has made turn toward the obscene.
Cerebral Gamer: State of the Consoles (2010)
As the year comes to a close, we stop to take stock of the “console wars.”
Meet the Meat Sims
Why play fake board games or with fake musical instruments when you can blast away at gaming’s best bullet receptacles?
Nightly News Roundup: 2011.12.09
Nintendo cashes in on holiday shopping, Smash Bros. developers remembers the good old days, and NPD gives us a new batch of Black Ops numbers
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii) Review
Developer Treyarch brings the Call of Duty franchise back to Wii with one of the strongest online offerings for the console.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 118: Over the Head
Black Ops versus Goldeneye, fond gaming memories, and enjoying the Super Guide.
Nightly News Roundup 2010.11.19
Tony Hawk: Shred mediocre sales explained, Infinity Ward rises and just who likes and loathes the Black Ops ad.
Nightly News Roundup 2010.11.18
Black Ops gets an update, WiiWare demos are on the way, and The Last Story gets some special attention
Slow on the Draw
A bad start might have foiled Wii’s chance of redefining shooters.
Duty for Greatness
Take a look at the intense history of this generation’s biggest franchise, and why it’s relevant to Nintendo fans.
Poll: Your Favorite FPS Franchise
Military, sci-fi, Old West samurai…? Tell us what your favorite FPS franchise is.
Tidman’s Take: Not Sold
I may be an anomaly, but I’m just not a fan of shooting games.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 116: Glorified
Where hackers and desensitized gun play come together.
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