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Evan, Tidman and Noah discuss Black Ops‘ gameplay as compared to Goldeneye‘s, Noah’s dark side in multiplayer gaming, games getting too easy and favorite Thanksgiving memories.
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Recording Date
November 22, 2010
Noah, Evan and Tidman
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:41 What We’re Playing
00:25:39 The Super Guide and Games Getting Easy
00:34:24 Thanksgiving Game Memories
00:43:03 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:54:55 Conclusion
00:55:51 Credits
00:58:01 Total Length
I see no problem with the super guide. Its optional. In fact its a good way to keep platformers hard without scaring away the laymen. Its like console port sof shmups having unlimited continues. You can use it if your casual but people who truly get it won’t as they try to improve their score. Things like this are a great way to ease casual players in without compromising hardcore game design.
PS I liked your mini cast as well. Keep it up. Having more podcasts to listen to at work makes me happy.
Hey guys; great episode again :) I wanted to quickly comment on the gaming being too easy issue you brought up.
There have always & will always be easy games & hard games. That’s never going to change. But it does need to be said that you don’t HAVE to play it so easily. You have the option to play it harder or not take the easy way out. People are always complaining that things are becoming TOO easy or TOO hard, but it’s your choice how you play it, right? Too easy? Don’t select that easy mode option, or change your difficulty. Too hard? Lower the difficulty & maybe take some of the easier routes. As you play the game you’ll learn how it works & maybe next time you can raise it a bit. Easy modes exist for people who want to experience a different version of the game, as do hard modes. There is no reason to complain & often times when I hear people complain about too easy or too hard it sounds to me like people who set fires just to put them out.
As for super-guides of super guiding; I don’t have problems with guides of any kind. I do use them, though as more of a roadmap. However, I never consult a walk-through / achievement / trophy guide on my first run of a game ever. I prefer to experience it once through as a pure exploration experience. After that though, I wholly embrace a guide to see what else there is to experience in a game. And why not?
Well anyway!
On a side-note… I enjoy watching people play some games & I know a lot of people who come over just to watch me play some games. One of the best experiences I have had is when I watched someone play Resident Evil 4 for the Wii on the hardest mode through backloggery.com ‘s live feed. It was incredibly intense! I have played through it on the same & I remember having so much trouble as well, but watching someone else do it & hearing them panic about it & just going along on that experience… it was well awesome. I remember, in my youth, I used to beg my brother to let me watch him play games. It’s like watching a film at times! I do enjoy it.