I used to look at games in only two ways: single-player or multiplayer. By most accounts this is probably the narrowest definition of video games ever– should at least use genre, right?– but in light of Nintendo’s successes with casual gaming, this dichotomy shouldn’t seem so crazy anymore. Even Wii U’s tablet controller seems perfectly positioned to take advantage of Nintendo’s continued focus on multiplayer in a family setting, bringing back ideas from games like Pac-Man VS that didn’t seem fully realized when they were first released, and making sure that people know that there’s a big difference between what the Wii U can do with just one person and what the Wii U can do with many people. At least, that’s what Nintendo aims to do. Considering what people continue to say about the Wii U (“it’s huge!” “why isn’t this a handheld?” “didn’t you see what happened to Dreamcast?”), Nintendo’s got its work cut out for it.
But the way people look at video games constantly changes, with sites like Kill Screen and your very own Nintendojo taking these so-called toys and looking at them not as just entertainment, but as different ways to analyze the world around us. We can’t look at Pikmin without thinking about our own backyards teeming with life, or Majora’s Mask without wondering if parallel universes really do exist (and if so, if a moon is falling down on one of them). Wii U, among others, is poised as the next stepping stone in integrating video games back into our own lives, just as video games integrate real life into a television screen. We can’t look at video games without thinking of ourselves– and, I admit, we can’t just put them into neat little classifications anymore, either.
This week, we’re going to see what happens when you view video games through real life. What does Termina have to say about the many-worlds theory? Why are underdogs, like Diddy Kong, so darn appealing? What does Pokémon teach us about rekindling friendships? And most importantly, how did Nester become such a drug addict? (Hint: something to do with superpowered fungus.) It’s not just about single- or multiplayer anymore– video games today go above and beyond.
Send your sweet and sour video game stories to nintendojo.mailbag@gmail.com.
Issue 55: Smells Like Team Spirit
Who’s Your Daddy? by Aaron Roberts
Before Wii and DS revolutionized, the GBA birthed many a franchise running strong today. We look at some of our favorites.
The Heroine of Time by Adam Sorice
Gender-bending The Legend of Zelda.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 148 by M. Noah Ward
“What are we doing tonight, Noah?” “The same thing we do every night, Dojo … try to take over the world!”
Our Pokémon, Ourselves by Andrew Hsieh
Look at your Pikachu. Now look at yourself. You only wish you could be like your Pikachu.
Shells: The Ultimate Toolkit Against Evil by Lewis Hampson
Why does Mario like using those Koopa remains so much?
In Defense of Bubsy by Andrew Hsieh
No, seriously, he’s got some redeeming qualities. I … I think.
The Many Worlds of Majora’s Mask by Kevin Knezevic
Applying the many-worlds theory to the premise and events of Majora’s Mask.
Nester 64x: It’s-a me, a Bad Influence! by Nester64x
Nester recounts how Mario encouraged him to do shrooms and abuse animals.
Diddy > DK: Why the Second Banana is So Much More Appealing by Smith Stuart
Monkeys? Check. Controversy? Check.
A Walk Down 8-Bit Lane: Revisiting Pokémon Blue by Mel Turnquist
Mel looks back at her old Pokémon Blue save file, untouched since 2001.
Additional features in this issue…
- Now Playing by Lewis Hampson
- Industry Chatter by Matthew Tidman
- Week: End Game: On by Andrew Hsieh
- Weekly News Roundup by Adam Sorice
Coming Up Next Week…
Issue 56: A Flower in Bloom
Just when will the 3DS come up with those games? Oh, Ocarina is out? … okay then.
Nester’s a drug addict? I never knew.
Well, to be honest, he likes to keep it on the DL. But like any good addict, he’s taking the first step: admitting he has a problem.
I wonder…what was Nester’s last appearance in Nintendo Power magazine? Was it during the start of the N64 era?