Nintendo Heartcast 012: Wii U Wonder

Noah and Evan tackle a bunch of Wii U rumors– hardware and games– in the latest Heartcast podcast.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 05/16/2012 08:00 17 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast 012: Wii U Wonder

Nintendo Heartcast 012: Wii U Wonder

Noah and Evan dissect the most current Wii U rumors, from hardware to games.

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Recording Date
May 14, 2012

Noah and Evan

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:47 Player Input: Listener Style
00:15:08 Wii U Wonder: Wii U Rumor Roundup
01:08:04 Conclusion
01:08:06 Credits
01:09:55 Total Length


17 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast 012: Wii U Wonder”

  • 177 points
    AceIcarus says...

    I whole heartedly support a 1 or 1 and a half Hour weekly podcast afterall MANY STORIES HAVE SLIPED THROUGH THE CRACKS SINCE YOU WENT BIWEEKLY.

    • 198 points
      Evan Campbell says...

      Thanks for the feedback! If we go to a weekly show, we probably will cover more news. But at the same time, we’ll still have shows that are more thematic and may skip over smaller news info unless it tickles our fancy.

      Would you prefer the latest news to play a major role in the weekly format?

    • 360 points
      M. Noah Ward says...

      Thanks so much for signing up to let us know what you think. Like Evan wrote, there are many ways we can integrate news into the show, and if it’s an important item for a lot of listeners, we’d love to hear how much you think the show should be news, versus a mix.

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    I am glad Nintendo patched Mario Kart seven. I used to avoid Maka Wuhu like a plague. But after the patch, it was my favorite race course just to see them fall off the track for a nonexistent shortcut.

  • 156 points
    Linkrevenge says...

    Listen to most of the podcast and found no mention about this wii u rumor.

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    Weekly show is the way to go, even if its shorter, i think an hour is just fine, also its nice to hear some rumors and speculation niow that e3 is soo close.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Definitely not opposed to weekly podcasts, but would rather hear discussion and debates instead of another bland news recap. After all, plenty of other websites and podcasts already offer the news… so unless it’s something you have a passionate reaction to or feel strongly compelled to discuss, then maybe Heartcast isn’t the right place for it?

  • 177 points
    AceIcarus says...

    Alot of the news you tend to miss relates to game anoucments i would like you to start the podcast with a quick rundown of rummored and anounced games and a quick line or two on each if you want to realy talk about any of the games give them there own talking segment

  • 225 points
    wombatguy880 says...

    I think the tech perspective stuff is a bit misunderstood. The reality is we know quite a bit about the wiiu. It seems like it will be better than 360 and ps3 but not by miles. The thing is and this gets forgotten as techies discuss these new hd consoles is that they didn’t impress many people with those initial graphic advances. A problem occurred when good developers finally got good ideas out on those hd consoles because they either couldn’t port the titles to the wii or when they did port them they were late to wii and lacked significant features.

    The wiiu has a better graphics processor, a 25gb media, more ram, and a similiar processor and speed to the 360. It also has to push graphics to the tablet. This means that the rumors are true. The wiiu is both more powerful and simultaneously will be underpowered compared to nonexistent mythical consoles of the future. My issue with these legendary next-next gen consoles is why would sony or ms push the same ideas that failed them this generation. I know it is all but forgotten now but to get this level of power sony was charging $600 and even ms was caught off-guard when the wii started outselling them by massive numbers. I just don’t see MS or Sony announcing anything crazy. They don’t want to tell you those things because they want people to keep guessing, and using those guesses to hold off on buying competing consoles, but it just doesn’t make sense for them to do the same thing again.

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    I’m down for weekly. One week is heartcast the other hatecast?

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    I think even a few discussions about random Nintendo news every week is nice.
    When news is slow, I’ll still tune in for some Nintendo talk.
    I’ll even tune in for the Hatecast. lol
    Maybe you go back in time to talk about what Nintendo did right and wrong with older home consoles, handheld consoles, and games.

  • 177 points
    AceIcarus says...

    Here,s an idea every podcast analys somthing nintendo related anything from the useability of certian pokemon and weapons in icarus uprising to the asthetics of the latest release to what the hostes of the 3ds show was wearing as long as it ties to nintendo

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