Nightly News Roundup: 05.17.2012

Of gamer thoughts and DS versatility.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 05/17/2012 23:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Great Gaming Survey From IGN Not Very Favorable Towards Nintendo

IGN polled several gamers in its first annual Great Gaming Survey about the general attitude towards different consoles and video game systems in general. To the surprise of very little, they weren’t really that favorable towards Nintendo. When asked about which generation that gamers are looking to buy the most, the PS4 slightly edged out the X-Box 720/Durango. The former scored 63% while the latter scored 61%. Meanwhile, Nintendo trailed far behind the two with a 40% score for the Wii U. Meanwhile, when it comes to shelling out a potential $400 for a gaming system, 33% of gamers would be willing to shell that out for the PS4 and 11% for the XBox 720/Durango. And where did the Wii U rank in this? A measly 3% of the vote. While it’s fairly obvious that Nintendo isn’t exactly considered hardcore to most audiences, the fact remains that its unpopularity has been kind of underestimated.

Source: Forbes

Toyota and Nintendo Team Up To Create DS-Controlled Navigation System

The DS has been used in several different avenues of life, whether in classrooms or art museums, but now Toyota has taken its usefulness to a whole new level. Both Japanese-based companies combined their powers to create a smart navigational system cartridge called Kuruma de DS. The cartridge, which includes Bluetooth functionality, is used to access the Navigation system of the Toyota cars for those backseat drivers who are searching for directions and places to go when on possible road trips. The software will debut in Japan on June 1st, along with the Toyota Estima Hybrid. For those who are curious, the software is selling at the US equivalent of $92. It still remains to be seen if it will make its way overseas.

Source: Tecca

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