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Tidman, Evan and Noah get together to name the most worthy games in categories like Best Box Art, Best Story, Most Underappreciated and more.
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Recording Date
January 4, 2011
Noah, Tidman and Evan
00:00:00 Introduction & What We’re Playing
00:04:01 Supplementary Game Awards for 2010
00:37:03 The Hosts’ All-Time 2010 Faves
00:44:36 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:50:31 Conclusion
00:51:53 Credits
00:54:04 Total Length
Yeah all the love for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom! Actually the game sold better than expected according to capcom’s community manager. We should play on nintendo wi-fi some time assuming its not to laggy. I was torn between this and Mario Galaxy 2 as my fave Wii title this year. Honorable mention Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Also two titles that were unappreciated that are worth checking out are Fragile Dreams & Sakura Wars. Both have flaws but moments in them that are unique and compelling.
Also this isn’t really for show feedback. But have you guys seen this pokemon black & white thing? If not you should. Warning its obscene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XsSoMBVF3w
I have mixed feelings about naming my all-time favorite games but it is the question Noah asked his listeners so i will try to give it a go. I really cant say what are my favorite games of all time but I can name some of the ones that made an impact on me. I could safely say that both Adventure and Pitfall made me love games in the early 80’s while the Super Mario series dragon warrior and punchout made me love the NES. Zelda snes and Shadowrun were standouts while Doom and Alien vs Predator for the jaguar introduced me to awesome FPS action. Mario 64, Dragon Force, Suikoden and Metal Gear Solid ushered me into a new era of fabulous graphics, game play and story telling. Shenmue kept the ball rolling while games like card fighters clash for the NGP forced me into accepting my addiction to videogames. Mario Galaxy and Advance Wars further cemented this addiction.
my point is I just love games. I have a soft spot for every game that gave me enjoyment so picking out the best from thousands of titles is just to hard to do. Thanks for presenting us with this question and I apologize for not being able to answer it precisely. I am sure Noah feels the same way after experiencing 4 decades of awesome gaming. You are that old arent you? LOL
I think people forgot that one of the most addictive games ever came out on DSi Ware in January of 2010.
Touch Solitaire
It’s $2 and it’s crazy time consuming. A year later, and I have played it almost every single day since its release. Simple, elegant, and amazing.
Spotto! also came out on DSi Ware as well as A Kappa’s Trail in 2010. Both are very excellent.