We’re going to take things really easy this week, ’cause I know you’ve been reading all week about the best of last year and such. Let’s just take a quick look at my best two games of last year, shall we?

Wii: Metroid: Other M: Most of us chose Super Mario Galaxy 2 as the Wii Game of the Year for 2010, and with good reason, since it’s fantastic. I’m going to think outside the box and go with Samus’s latest adventure. Despite some misgivings about Samus’s, well, personality traits in the latest Metroid game, there’s no doubt the gameplay is action-packed, the atmosphere is fantastically tension-tinged, and the game is a worthy addition to the Metroid timeline.

DS: Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth: Investigations: It’s no surprise that Edgeworth’s game is my favorite DS game of this year, as other than one particular editor, I may be the series’ biggest fan around these parts. It actually added a bunch of stuff to the standard series formula, Plus, it took advantage of a bunch of different puns and knee-slapping characters names. Not so fast!
Secretly I’ve been hoarding Apollo Justice and Miles Edgeworth for a rainy day. ;)
The only problem is that, once I start an Ace Attorney game, it ruthlessly consumes all my gaming time.
It consumes your entire game time? Truly commendable! Oh, you meant that as a bad thing. Well. It’s not :)
Gotta agree. You know something’s good if you don’t want to spend time with anything else.