Week: End Game: On 07.09.11

Oh it’s the weekend! You bet it is. Fancy a game? Hell yeah.

By Adam Sorice. Posted 07/09/2011 14:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Michael Edwards

Thankfully I don’t have much going on this weekend, so everything from last week will certainly carry over as I continue to play catch up. Of course there will be a few additions. Recently I had a guest who wanted to play Kirby’s Epic Yarn and it’s inspired me to go back to it. Can’t say I’ll get around to actually finishing it, but I’d like to spend some quality time with Kirby. Also while browsing my games I realized I have yet to play the new A Boy and His Blob yet. Well, “new” as in 2009. It’s been sitting here for almost two years now and hasn’t even been in my Wii. So, yeah, I should probably play that at some point.

On the competitor’s side, I picked up Ys: The Oath in Felghana for PSP. If you’re not familiar with this entry, it’s essentially the story from Ys III with a few tweaks and a shift from side scrolling gameplay to the more traditional top down. If you’re just not familiar with Ys at all, this andVI are good selections. An Ys I & II remake was also released for DS & PSP, both of which are also solid.

Of course all of these plans can and probably will be easily destroyed since here in the United States, Netflix streaming has added every episode of all the Star Trek TV shows. Well, except one, but I’m not
yet at a point to care which. I’ve never actually watched any of the shows, save for a few episodes from the original when I was a kid, so I kinda feel obligated to.

Andrew Hsieh

I’m sad this weekend because the last DLC of Dragon Quest IX is out, which means a) no more quests and b) no more new clothes and c) one very, very sad Andrew. I’m probably not gonna be like this guy with 100% completion, but I have seriously been playing Dragon Quest IX for so long that I no longer consider it a video game. It’s more like part of my life. Which is probably the nerdiest thing someone could say about a game that is basically an offline MMORPG.

Now I’m all depressed.

After I give my Dragon Quest IX game a well-deserved funeral, with all the salutes and whatever, I’m probably gonna play some more Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, because there’s just something about killing everybody with a one-man-army (you know the one) that’s just plain therapeutic. Well, I could do that in Dragon Quest IX too, but … yeah.

Adam Sorice

It seems I’m in one of those moods when real life is determined to get in the way of any gaming activity. Inbetween Dojo duties, I’ve barely had a minute to consider playing anything and my Saturday will be taken up with applying to be an extra in a new Hollywood blockbuster being filmed in Glasgow next month. (It’s set in a post apocalyptic world full of mutant zombies, I’m guessing they thought they wouldn’t need to make Glasgow much more dilapidated to achieve the overall effect. Brad Pitt’s there, too.) I’m hoping the fact that I’m so terrible at saving the world in Resident Evil means that I was born to be a member of the undead.

Aside from zombie application, I’ll probably end up watching more Star Trek: Voyager. Unlike Mike, I was a major Trekkie when I was a kid and the boxsets hold all that magic for me all over again. Recent days have seen my life overrun by tacion particles, demollecularization of the hull and the ocassional attack from the Borg. Ah, nostalgia.

Smith Stuart

I’m about to wrap up the extra puzzles on Professor Layton and the Curious Village. The game has its fair share of hair-pullers, but the unique atmosphere of the series makes it well worth the stress. I suppose I should just chill out and follow the good professor’s guidance from now on. He always seems to be right, anyhow. After that I’ll probably get back to DK Country Returns and start brainstorming for my Punch-Out!! workout schedule and routines. Here’s to hoping it works.

Dustin Grissom

Since I’ve been on vacation for the past 9 days, I haven’t had the chance to play a lot of games (I know, life is tough). Luckily, I brought my 3DS with me so that I could play some games whenever I might have some free time. The games I’ve been playing have all been DSiWare games that I’ve recently purchased from the eShop. The first game I bought was 10 Minute Run, which is an awesome game to play when you just want to waste a few minutes. I also bought Nintendo’s Solitaire game, which I played for hours on the plane ride here (which took over my plans of playing Ocarina of Time 3D...). The other DSiWare game I’ve been playing every once in a while is Dark Void Zero, which is surprisingly better than the game it was made to promote, Dark Void.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Screenshot
The good thing about having a time travelling tin whistle is that you can leave Link and Hyrule for as long as you want and everyone will be fiiiine.

Hopefully I’ll find some time to continue playing Ocarina of Time 3D, but these small DSiWare games should keep me busy for now!

Kevin Knezevic

I haven’t really had the opportunity to play too many video games this week. Aside from some aimless wandering in Ocarina of Time 3D, I finally finished Donkey Kong ’94 on my 3DS. I really enjoyed my time with the title, and it actually put up quite a challenge. I’m disappointed it doesn’t save your high score, but I can see myself going back to it sometime in the future and playing it again all the way through. I rarely do that with this kind of game, so that’s saying something about how good it is.

That was really pretty much it for me this week. Hopefully next I can start Kirby’s Dream Land, which I want to get out of the way before I devote my time to Link’s Awakening. I haven’t played either before, so I’m really looking forward to diving into them (time permitting, of course).

Now that you’ve read up on our gaming endeavours, it’s your turn! Let us know what you’ll be playing (or watching.. or auditioning for) this weekend in the comments, below.

3 Responses to “Week: End Game: On 07.09.11”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    I don’t know what you’d say I’ve been playing. Recommendations? I’ve been playing anything and everything that still lies under an hour on my 3DS and Wii enough to make a recommendation on the eShop or Nintendo Channel. Even the utilities (notebooks, clocks, calculators).

    • 1332 points
      Andrew Hsieh says...

      eShop notebook playing? You, my friend, are a true believer.

      • 1379 points
        xeacons says...

        Ha ha. Well, I used DSi, and now the 3DS as a complete PDA/pocket organizer, and that included My Notebooks. And, well…heh…while I was cleaning out my under-hour library, there was a few minutes left on My Notebook Red/Blue. Why not update my wishlist, or maybe jot some gold Skulltula locations?

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