Top Ten: 3DS Games We Want to See Localized

These ten games deserve a western announcement or release in 2014.

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 01/14/2014 09:00 6 Comments     ShareThis

3DS XL official press shot

5. E.X. Troopers

You may not be able to tell by looking at it, but E.X. Troopers is actually a spin-off of the Lost Planet franchise! The dark, gritty tone of the series is gone and has been replaced by a cel-shaded, anime style that is a lot more bright and colorful. Personally, Lost Planet has never interested me as a franchise, but this drastically different art style has definitely piqued my interest in the series. The game was released in Japan on November 22, 2012, and was published by Capcom.

Why it should be localized: This is potentially the closest thing to a Mega Man Legends game we’ll ever see on 3DS. While the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 left a bad taste in all of our mouths, E.X. Troopers seems like it will satisfy our urges for a cel-shaded third person shooter with a beautiful art style and solid gameplay.

The odds of it being localized: Capcom originally stated that it does not plan to bring the game to the west, especially because a lot of the in-game text is drawn as art and would have to be completely redone for localization. However, Capcom recently stated that fans should speak up if they want to see E.X. Troopers localized, showing that the company is now open to the idea of bringing it overseas.

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6 Responses to “Top Ten: 3DS Games We Want to See Localized”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    I’m definitely a Game Center CX fan, and I love that there are a group of fans so dedicated to getting the shows translated into English when they come out. I don’t own Retro Game Challenge, but I followed the development of both the first and second game, and I thought the team did a fantastic job of capturing the era of gaming featured so often on the show.

    It’s a shame that the game didn’t sell well in the west, but the fact that games like this exist warms my heart.

  • 222 points
    PanurgeJr says...

    I’ve wanted to play Beyond the Labyrinth since I first saw a trailer a few years ago. I suppose the only hope is that someone concludes that the cost of localization will be covered by sales in the West, and that Japanese sales might not be the best predictor.

    • 1570 points
      penduin says...

      Here’s hoping! These all look interesting in one way or another, but Beyond the Labyrinth looks especially appealing to me.

      …Well, that and Dragon Quest VII. :^)

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Very, very good list Anthony.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Nice list of games! Some were already on my personal watch list, others I’d heard about then forgotten, and a few were complete unknowns for me. Great to see them get some exposure in the West. With software like this, it’s no surprise that 3DS has become a “must own” piece of hardware.

  • 180 points
    Anthony Vigna says...

    Thanks for the comments everyone! I had a lot of fun writing this one up, and I genuinely hope that these games get localized! More software on the 3DS is never a bad thing :)

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