The other day I got a text message from one of my good friends. He’s the type of gamer that loves to bash Wii. He hated the direction that Nintendo went with Wii, and and will tell you that Super Mario Galaxy is overrated, along with every other Mario game, despite what anybody else says. So imagine my surprise when he tells me that he played a 3DS… and liked it.
I’ve yet to play one myself, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about it from Noah and the gang. From what I’ve heard, 3DS is absolutely amazing, and I’m sure it is. But more so with 3DS than with any system ever, Nintendo needs to get it into the hands of consumers, so they can really see just what 3DS is all about. From the experience of my friend Brendan, Nintendo seems to be doing just that.
Of course, I’ve been preaching the 3DS to my friends since it was announced, but it’s nice to finally see some agreement. He got to try it out at a Best Buy store, and he was absolutely blown away after playing Pilotwings Resort. A smile came to my face as I read the text, “it looks great and the 3d is actually real. I give it props and the analog stick was fantastic.”
He did mention that the 3D hurt his eyes, but he wears glasses and the 3DS was locked in place so he couldn’t move it. Either one could be responsible for the side effects, and I know from personal experience that demo units locked in place can give you a headache regardless of whether they’re 3D or not, but the 3D from the 3DS may not have helped.
With that said, even with the discomfort that he felt, it didn’t do anything to stop him from being a believer. “Still I may preorder it since it was so good. You may have converted me. The graphics were definitely quality.” If Nintendo is able to convert gamers like Brendan, gamers that shun Wii, then 3DS will be even more popular than the original DS, and help bring the “hardcore” crowd back to a Nintendo platform. Touching may have been good, but seeing really is believing, and it seems as though almost everyone that plays a 3DS does indeed become a believer.
“I’ll admit that form of 3D is actually really cool James, I was wrong.” You see, I was planning on selling Brendan my DS Lite. Now he’s already thinking about buying it, and then putting it towards the purchase of a 3DS a week later, and I encouraged him to do so. With so many great games on the way, and the ability to play just about every DS game, 3DS already is Nintendo’s best portable system ever.
When 3D was first reintroduced to gaming and movies, I wasn’t interested at all. I didn’t care about Avatar, and was even less impressed when I watched it in 3D at a Best Buy store. I figured I wasn’t missing out on anything, but it looks as though I was wrong. It seems as though 3D is definitely the wave of the future and I better get used to it. Since I haven’t actually played 3DS, I can’t say how good the 3D effect is, or even if it improves the overall experience of gaming. I can only assume that it does.
I hope I’m as blown away as Noah and Brendan were, and I’m sure I will be. I’m one of the people that believes in 3DS without even having experienced it. If you haven’t tried it out yet, and are curious about it, I encourage you to take a trip to your local Best Buy and see if they have a 3DS demo unit. If they do, you’ll become a believer too. If you weren’t interested in a 3DS purchase before, odds are pretty good that you will be then. I think it’s fitting if we end with some more of Brendan’s words, “damn you Nintendo.”