With decades of hardware out there, Nintendo has many missteps it can avoid with 3DS. Here’s what we’re hoping 3DS avoids and succeeds at.
Burning Attack: Curtain Call
The impending 3DS launch reminds me of the past.
Plan B, 3D?
Nintendo seems to think 3D is the next big thing. But what if it’s not?
Hot Air: Threed
Nintendo has a history of making 3D games.
Beware the Eyes of March
Just how valid are Nintendo’s claims about the 3DS destroying the eyes of six-year-olds? Turns out they’ve been worrying since the Virtual Boy.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 135: Next Big Thing
We debate whether 3D visuals are really the next big thing for video games.
Nester64x: My 3D Gamez!
You haven’t lived life until you’ve played these games about me, coming soon to your 3DS.
Issue 42: Nintendo in 3D
Check out the table of contents for this week’s issue.
Burning Attack: Converting the Nonbelievers
If one of my Wii-hating friends is blown away by 3DS, it has to be good, right?
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