Another Art Style entry that offers addictive gameplay
Not having a few more unlockables
The Art Style series, from its humble beginnings as simple entries in the bit Generations series for Game Boy Advance, has certainly seen itself grow into a behemoth of itself. While it may not compare with the Mario, Legend of Zelda, or Metroid franchises when it comes to name recognition, it easily stands alongside them with respect to quality. Luckily, Rotohex continues this trend, and for any WiiWare aficionado, this title belongs with the rest of the Art Style series as the best the service has to offer.
Rotohex is an update of the bit Generation title Dialhex. The game grid (for single player mode) is a large hexagon, made up of smaller equilateral triangles. Triangles of various colors fall from the sides, and are rotated via the gamer within a smaller hexagon shape that frames six triangles at once. Rotating triangles to create hexagons of the same color will cause them to disappear and keep the grid from filling up. Once the grid is filled, it’s game over. By matching a prerequisite number of hexagons, gamers progress from one level to the next, with complexity being added via greater numbers of hexagons required and more colors of triangle pieces falling into the field.
Like its Art Style brethren, the game’s simple mechanics allow for engaging gameplay that is simultaneously familiar and original. While Rotohex is basic in its presentation– another landmark of the Art Style series– it’s also very effective, as is the minimalist audio. The game also offers Versus and Endless modes, so there’s plenty to come back to, but more would have been nice.
For Art Style fans out there, Rotohex is likely a part of their library already. In the unlikely case that it isn’t, it very well should be. The title offers addictive gameplay and quite a few features for a paltry 600 Wii Points. Do yourself a favor and get addicted.