Poll: What Will Be E3 2010’s Biggest Story?

Whether from Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, or someone else, there will be a show-defining story from this E3. Help us guess what that will be.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 06/14/2010 00:49 8 Comments     ShareThis

The Legend of Zelda Wii Concept Art

Every E3 there’s always something that people talk about more than anything else. It could be the surprise launch date or price of a new console, a game that was incredibly charming or a press conference flub. We already have a good idea of the candidates for “biggest story” will be, though, so how about you tell us which of these items will end up being the most-discussed item.

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8 Responses to “Poll: What Will Be E3 2010’s Biggest Story?”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    Actually, I believe it will be the announcement of one (or more) of the major next-gen consoles, the Super Wii, Xbox 720, or PS4.

  • 57 points
    Andy Hoover says...

    I’m still hopping for Phantom release date!

  • 183 points
    Williaint says...

    If there IS an announcement for new console(s), of any kind, that would certainly be big. However, I doubt it’ll be any more than a 5 second clip, with no info about it.
    LoZ Wii is a dead-ringer as big news. It’s going to amaze people, or break people. So it’s going to be big either way.

    • 1379 points
      xeacons says...

      Oh, I totally agree! Nothing but a quick clip, and probably and exclusive back-room showing at that. But that’s what generates the most buzz, cause the less info, the more people talk! We have more room to speculate.

      Look how much the 3DS has been keeping the everyone buzzing over the last couple months and we know so little. BECAUSE we know so little.

  • 318 points
    Greg Wampler says...

    Doubt it. The only slightly possible next gen hardware I see being possible is the next Nintendo console. And if so, only a quick glimpse.

    Even that though is VERY unlikely, but the most likely of the 3. Think about it, Move and Kinect are being pushed out. Why make all of the mean nothing with new hardware to replace it?

    Nintendo is the only one not in that position besides the Vitality Sensor, but that isn’t a huge piece of hardware.

  • 288 points
    JPtheNintendoFan says...

    Maybe we will see a new Star Fox of F-Zero game for the Wii.

  • 0 points

    I’m hoping for F-Zero Wii.

  • 75 points
    FiVeL says...

    tHiS iS wHaT I’m WaiTinG fOR

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