Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 95.4 Minicast: Wish You Were Here

The guys talk about the things that they wished had shown up at E3 2010.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 06/17/2010 19:00 5 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 95.4 Minicast: Wish You Were Here

For everything that we were excited and surprised to see at E3 2010, there was still a number of things we wished had also been present. From MIA software and hardware to MIA execs, we discuss the most mysterious absentees and guess why they didn’t show.

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Recording Date
June 17, 2010

Noah, Evan and Tidman

00:29:40 Total Length


5 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 95.4 Minicast: Wish You Were Here”

  • 318 points
    Greg Wampler says...

    Since I can’t be in the podcast this week, here’s my say:

    There’s word going around that a PR rep or someone from Nintendo mentioned that the Vitality Sensor wasn’t a good fit for their show and what they were doing. It was too “mellow” which is odd to hear come from Nintendo.

    Let’s not forget that Ubisoft showed off their own Vitality Sensor and game…

    They also may not have wanted to show too much like they said the reason for not showing Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. They didn’t want to go up against The Skyward Sword. Maybe they didn’t want two pieces of hardware?

    But I do think Evan is right on with the whole not being able to relax with a piece of hardware meant for relaxing in an environment like E3. Which leads me to ask where Arc Rise Fantasia was? Was it there?

    Also, on the PSP2 not being there, I think you guys could be right with the fact of Nintendo leaking some of the info out so many months ago, but I also think that the PSP2 was still planned to show, but with how well the 3DS showed itself, they canceled at the last minute. It almost seemed like a few things were missing from Sony’s conference. At least I hope there were things missing because they played games like LBP2 for a half hour and others were too long. They didn’t have a good pace.

    Oh, and sorry, but I don’t see Kinect being a “solid” piece of hardware Evan. Move maybe, but not Kinect. You can’t sit while using it? Even for menu control? I mean come on.

    • 702 points
      Matthew Tidman says...

      Arc Rise Fantasia was there. Fun fact, the person playing the game on Game Trailers is actually me as they walked up and started filming while I was playing through it.

      As soon as I’ve had some sleep and a chance to collect my thoughts there will be a preview written of he game.

      • 318 points
        Greg Wampler says...

        Ohhhh sleep is over rated. lol

        Thanks for the info Tidman! Sorry, but I was watching G4TV and they only care about showing off shooters. I also never saw it anywhere online. That’s probably because everyone online said Sony won the show…meaning Sony fanboys wouldn’t show Arc Rise Fantasia…

      • 258 points
        Joshua A. Johnston says...

        Good to see Arc Rise Fantasia get some face time at the show. My expectation is that it will be a decent RPG, although early returns on the voice acting… yeah…

        One disappointment has been the apparent absence of two other Wii RPGs: Tales of Graces and Xenoblade. Both have released to glowing reviews in Japan, yet we’ve gotten no confirmation of stateside release.

  • 393 points
    James Stank says...

    I know we were joking about it during the show, but I agree with you Greg. I think the PSP2 was going to be shown, but not only was the reaction of the 3DS so positive, the number of games was incredible. I think it actually may have surprised Sony, seeing that there’s Resident Evil, Metal Gear, and Dead or Alive were being made for 3DS. Those, combined with the rest of the games that were announced intimidated Sony, so they stretched their gameplay vids to cover the intended PSP2 space. For all we know, after seeing the 3DS, Sony may try to make the PSP2 more like the 3DS.

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