Christmas is right around the corner and while we’re very busy with the preparations (I can’t believe I got Nester64x in the Secret Santa pool two years running! Do you know how hard it is to wrap a Virtua Boy?! -Ed.) we thought we’d find out what you’re expecting from old Kris Kringle on the 25th. (Or Chrismukkah! Or whatever you celebrate at this time of year, we’re lovely inclusive people around here.)
Are you expecting lots of games or just a few? Have you given your loved ones explicit instructions and diagrams as to what to buy or are you leaving it up to their wise judgement? (Hint: That almost never ends well.) Are there any games in particular that you’re hoping to receive this year or are there just too many to choose from to make an informed decision? Be sure to let us know in the comments and tell us about the best/worst Christmas present you’ve ever received, gaming or otherwise!
(And if that hasn’t put you in the festive spirit then you should check out Nester’s poetic Christmas instalment from last year: A Visit From Uncle Nestolas! If you don’t totally enjoy its awesomeness, you’re a total hozer.)
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My parents definetly don’t get games very well, but hopefully i get a few good ones. I’m really hoping to get Sonic Generations for Christmas this year. I’ve actually never played a Sonic game before and this looks like the perfect time to start because of how old Sonic meets new Sonic. I’m also crossing my fingers for a Wii itself so I can finally get Skyward Sword. I also want me some Mario Kart!
Just hope they don’t get you High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE!.
… yeah, my dad’s not very good at getting video games.
Last month I actually had to help buy Skyward Sword Bundle for my birthday. I picked up MK7 myself, so they didn’t have to buy me a lot. If I get Mario 3Dland, I’ll be happy.
I’m really hoping for the Zelda 3DS bundle for Christmas, which I’m actually pretty sure I’m getting…