Poll: Gems on the Horizon

There’s plenty of games coming out soon but which are you most anticipating?

By Adam Sorice. Posted 10/24/2011 07:30 5 Comments     ShareThis

Are you looking forward to upcoming games? Why of course you do! But this week we’re interested to find out which games you’re looking forward to pick up most. Are you itching to fulfill your Zelda craving with Skyward Sword next month? Or are you dying Mario Kart 7 to be green lit in December? With the likes of Super Mario 3D Land, Shinobi and more, there’s bound to be something on your radar this season and we’d love to find out what it is!

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5 Responses to “Poll: Gems on the Horizon”

  • 165 points
    Zeer0id says...


  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    SKY-WARD SWORD! SKY-WARD SWORD SKY-WARD SWORD! Gold Wiimote, Orchestral soundtrack…It’s reserved, and comes out on my BIRTHDAY! It’s like a gift from Miyamoto himself!

  • 1594 points
    penduin says...

    Skyward Sword tops my list handily. Given how I’ve been re-re-playing and re-re-enjoying the hell out of Ocarina 3D, I’ve got to say I crave more Zelda above all else.

    That said, if Kart 7 can recapture most of Mario Kart DS’s magic (and 3D Land even half of Galaxy’s) then those will be some absolutely rockin’ games too. …Not to mention Assassin’s Creed Revelations, if I’m allowed to dip into PS3 territory for a moment…

    This is gonna be an expensive few months!

    • 1379 points
      xeacons says...

      UGH! Don’t remind me! I’m so far behind on my wishlist, and so short on cash! Dr. Lautrec, Tetris 3D, Driver, James Noir, Layton, Mario 3D, MK7, AHH! I’ll never catch up!

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