Welcome to this week’s editon of Industry Chatter, where we gather all of this week’s latest news stories so you don’t have to. It’s not been a particularly cheerful week of gossip, but hopefully the shenanigans contained of the latest Iwata Asks will help to put a smile back on your face. So without further ado, read on and (try to) enjoy!
Bit.Trip Runner 2 will miss WiiWare, but may appear on Wii U
According to Nintendo World Report, the upcoming installment in the Bit.Trip series won’t be appearing on WiiWare because it’s simply too powerful.
Bit.Trip Presents: Runner 2, Future Legend of Rhythm Alien was announced for XBLA and PSN last week, but Gaijin Games’ Alex Neuse has said that “the Wii cannot handle the game.” He was, however, considering bringing it to Wii U.
“If the console were able to hang with what we’re going to be doing on the PS3 and 360, we would definitely be bringing it to the Wii as well,” he said.
The main reason behind this is due to Runner 2 swapping its distinctive 8-bit art style for a suped up HD look. Naturally, that makes things a little difficult to pull off on Wii. Thankfully though, Wii U will be bringing Nintendo into the HD era alongside its competitors, so there’s hope yet that Commander Video’s new adventure won’t bypass Nintendo completely.
No Online for Monster Hunter 3G
Capcom have confirmed that Monster Hunter 3G, the 3DS remake of Wii’s Monster Hunter Tri, will not have online support.
No online 3DS co-op for you, my friend…
Although you’ll be able to connect to the internet in order to download quests, you’ll have to gather all your friends locally if you want to play those quests together. You won’t be able to play them with friends online. According to Andiasang, this local co-op play will be similar to the PSP Monster Hunter games.
Wii Motion Plus is like “an unruly horse”: Iwata
And finally, to wrap up this week’s Industry Chatter, here’s a cracking quote from the latest edition of Iwata Asks. In discussing the development of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Iwata and Aonuma spoke about the struggles they faced with Wii Motion Plus:
Iwata: “Wii MotionPlus is an incredibly sharp device, but a little distinctive. It’s like an unruly horse.”
Aonuma: “Yes, exactly. No matter what we did, we couldn’t tame it.”
Aonuma even admitted that he “proposed to the staff to not use Wii Motion Plus afterall.”
Aonuma: “But then I fell under intense pressure from some other producers, who said, ‘Aonuma-san, why aren’t you using Wii MotionPlus?!’ (laughs)”
Iwata:”They were like, ‘Don’t run away from it!’ (laughs)”
Aonuma: “Exactly (laughs). So I was like, ‘We got to do it!'”
To read the full interview, just click the link above. It makes for some very insightful (and quite comic) reading.
And that’s all for this week’s Industry Chatter. If you’ve got some views you would like to share on this week’s snippets of news, then be sure to let us know in the comments section. Until next time!
While Monster Hunter G‘s lack of online play certainly irks me, yeah, it’s nothing that the PSP hasn’t done before– which, now that I think about it, is exactly why it irks me. Here’s a perfect chance for 3DS to step up beyond Vita, especially with a “core” series like Monster Hunter, but I guess the costs for Capcom are just too high. Ah well, I’ll take what I can get.