Everyone likes a comeback, no? Just look at the Rocky films (except the last one) or David Hasselhoff! They came back… even if no one wanted them to. Luckily, the world of video games is a very different place and diehard fans will often demand for the return of their favourite characters years or even decades after they last appeared. Most of the time these calls go unanswered but now and then (please see: Kid Icarus) they are heard and a forgotten gaming hero earns the chance to become a Comeback King.
So who would you like to see make a comeback? What about the superhero antics of Viewitful Joe? Or the bullet speed racing of F-Zero champ, Captain Falcon! (It’s been too long sir, far too long.) If neither of those heavyweights tickle your nostalgic fancy then you can also choose from the likes of Chibi-Robo!, Tingle or the Ice Climbers to return to the gaming scene or suggest your own in the comments!
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Wii U F-Zero needs to happen. Fact.
The SNES Super Mario RPG needs a proper sequel, spiritual successor, or what-have-you. Badly!
It already does. It’s called Paper Mario. You should check it out.
I want Doki Doki Panic 2. Mario Galaxy 2 was great but I want to see him pull veggies out of the ground. I want to see him ride on carpets. I want to see him ride on Shy Guys and ostriches. I want to see doors to the other side. I want to see Peach get off her lazy butt and back in ACTION!
(P.S. Yes, I played Super Princess Peach, 5 stars. Let’s see some more!)
My vote is for Geno and Mallow from Super Mario RPG
How about another Soul Blazer sequel or a remake?
Choosing between Chibi-Robo and Tingle was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make.
But I went with Tingle. KOOLOO-LIMPAH!~
The world needs another Rainbow Mika Nanakawa revival!
In a time of the Street Fighter ressurection, WHY hasn’t Capcom done anything to bring her back. Ono requested her for SF4, but Capcom shot him down.