Sometimes, our passion for video games can fall by the wayside. I can gurantee that even though we’re none too happy about it, many a potential gaming session for the Nintendojo staff has been put on hiatus so an article or five can be written up. It’s a burden we shoulder for the greater good.
And in many ways, this is what we can attribute to this week’s relatively sparse Week: End Game: On. While it may seem like we’re too busy playing to write, the truth is that we’re far too busy writing to play. Hopefully those backlogs will be cleared up by next weekend and we’ll be back in full force!
Mel Turnquist
This weekend I have to go to a wedding, which is not my idea of a rip-roaring good time. So Wii games are out of the question for me. That being said, I will be bringing along my 3DS for entertainment purposes along with my games. I’ll be playing a bucket load of Kirby Mass Attack which I bought last week and is insanely addicting. I’ll probably dip into Rhythm Heaven, Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary and maybe a touch of Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar…maybe.
Maybe when I get home on Sunday (because I have to stay overnight at a hotel for whatever reason….) I’ll break out the Sakura Wars: Farewell My Love which I’ve been putting off a bit lately.
Katharine Byrne
Yep, still playing Xenoblade.
Kevin Knezevic
I’m caught in a gaming dilemma this week. My copy of Kirby Mass Attack arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, but it’s difficult to muster up the desire to play it when I have The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition and Super Mario Land 2 tempting me with their siren call. Then there’s the nagging urge to revisit Star Fox 64 3D, which I haven’t touched in about a week or so, not to mention Pokémon White and its new Dream World content. It’s all a little overwhelming. I don’t even know where to begin.
Oh well, it’s a good problem to have.
The staff are clearly too busy to play games this weekend so the gauntlet falls to you, dear readers! What are you playing this Saturday and Sunday? Let us know in the comments.