Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 162: 3D or Not 3D

We debate how likely will Skyrim’s dragons land on Wii U’s tablet and the importance of 3DS’s 3D visuals.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 09/29/2011 08:00 7 Comments     ShareThis


Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 162: 3D or Not 3D

We discuss gamers not wanting 3D on their 3DS and how likely Elder Scrolls will ever unfurl on Wii U.

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Recording Date
September 27, 2011

Noah, James and Aaron

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:59 What We’re Playing
00:12:23 Skyrim on Wii U and 3D Not on 3DS
00:21:40 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:41:53 Conclusion
00:43:13 Credits

00:44:52 Total Length



7 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 162: 3D or Not 3D”

  • 261 points
    JasonMaivia says...

    I believe that Final Fantasy III/VI deserves a remake more than any other. James, don’t give up on it.

    When I was younger, I named my very first created wrestler ‘Doom Gaze’ in WWF Attitude for N64, and later in WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy.

    He was pretty much a copy of Kane, but wore black and white instead of red. For later wrestling games, I became more imaginative, so, the character didn’t live.

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    I know that I didn’t get the 3ds just for the 3d. I happened to get mine a week before the price drop. I got it just in time for the ambassador program. I haven’t bought any 3ds games yet. For now, my killer apps are netflix, a scientific calculator which I paid money for, and zelda links awakening. I’m waiting for kingdom hearts and ninja gaiden. GTA has a increased probability of appearing on the 3ds if you look at history.
    on to wiiU. I would love to see skyrim on wiiu. That would mean that developers would view it on par or superior to ps3 and 360.

    one more thing: what’s with this “still waiting for chapter 2 of evil dead hitler hero? Was my chapter 2 that forgetable? It is in ep. 150 comments.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    No Need For Redesigns

    ”It’s definitely a possibility for the future. We’ll look at any platform that will support the games we’re trying to make, but that’s the key thing – the console has to support the game as it is designed.”

    If Bethesda is so concerned about not having to upgrade Skyrim for the Wii U. They can simply add the support for playing the game completely on the controller’s screen and be done with it.

    “It took all of five minutes and two lines of code, and boom! – there was the entire game running on the controller. Amazing.”

    Quote is from CVG, Darksiders 2: Bringing Death to the Wii U.

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    I’m pretty sure that the context in which those statements were stated was in agreement with the opinion that console game experiences don’t work on handhelds. That’s what I heard; but it’s not really worth the effort to go get the exact quote.

    As for that one 3DS news story? I actually suggest anyone who wants to comment on polls should check out Darrell Huff’s “How To Lie With Statistics” at some point. Pretty good read and it demonstrates all the wonderful little math tricks that are constantly employed in polls. If you took stats in college and they didn’t hand you a copy of this book, 80% of the people polled in that situation feel strongly that you wasted your tuition money.

    tl;dr: I’m pretty sure that’s what I heard. Also, “polls and statistics” LOL.

  • 576 points
    MegabusterLegends3 says...

    Have any of you guys played Solatorobo? I kept my word and I bought Solatorobo on launch day. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, as I didn’t let reviews spoil my view of the game, but after playing through the first eight hours, I can say that THIS GAME IS AWESOME!In the few days that I’ve had it, it has risen to my top five portable games. Not sure where it lands yet, but I haven’t been this sucked into a game in a long time. If you are so set on waiting on the 3DS, Noah, then the least you could do is give this game a chance while you wait for the right “moment”. It isn’t AS much like Megaman Legends as some people said, but its uniqueness is part of what makes this game great. It is probably one of the few games I’ve ever paid full price for, right there with Valkyria Chronicles 2 and Super Mario Galaxy, and it was totally worth it. I could write an entire review of the game right here, but my typing fingers are already tired. Just be assured, Solatorobo is probably the peak of DS software, both in terms of gameplay and graphics, and it would be a shame for it to go unnoticed.

    • 276 points
      Nicolas Vestre says...

      I preordered Solatorobo and got it on launch day (with that nice soundtrack!). Interestingly, I’ve only played a couple hours; I think I’m trying to savor it or something. So far, so awesome. :)

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