Our poll from the other week showed that, by far, the game that our lovely readers are most looking forward to playing is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. (Except two of you wanting to play Shinobi on 3DS, you mavericks you!) Since Skyward Sword‘s release is less than two weeks away, we thought we’d ask you what you’re most looking forward to about Link’s latest quest in Hyrule!
Also, we’d love to know when you’re picking up Skyward Sword and what version you’re getting. Are you planning to pick up the latest Zelda adventure as a day one purchase with the (magic) Golden Wii remote? Wait til the buzz has died down? Or are going to wait until Nintendojo posts our review of the title before you part with your hard earned cash? (Not to spoil any surprises but we’re expecting it’s going to pretty good!)
Still so excited for launch day that merely answering our poll won’t do? Chat to fellow Zelda stans in the comments below! (The staff will likely be the most vocal.)
[poll id=”81″]
Personally, I WANT THAT SOUNDTRACK! Have you listened/watched that orchestral video on Nintendo Video? I had to! I put on Twilight Princess (for biggest, best graphics), hooked up the 3DS to those iPod amps (for loudest volume), muted the TV, and took off across Hyrule Field!
The sun was setting over Hyrule Castle in the background as I headed across the huge bridge, galloping and slashing at the Bulblins and Kargaroks…you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that! Everything fell into place, as if scripted. I should have filmed it; I’ll probably never be able to set it up like that again!
What Williant said.
Probably gonna get it when the Wii U comes out. (Been Wii-less for quite some time).
The Wii U will be backwards-compatible with regular Wii games, right? Hope so, seeing as I am still holding on to Metroid Prime Trilogy and Super Mario All Stars.
I’d like a real Nintendo system and not a toy!
I’m hopeful this game can do more for motion gaming and the Zelda franchise. I hear a lot of complaints about how it’s always ganon or they don’t do anything innovative but I think every game has been innovative in some way but it’s hard to impress you more than the first time you saw the zelda universe in more than 4 colors on a nes or that dramatic change from 2D to 3D but control could easily be it. I’m hopeful because most the users indicate they’ve added some great motion ideas to this game. You could change the story all around but does that really change the game by itself? not really. We need new ideas about how it makes us feel and I think wii sports proved that can be done but now we get to see Nintendos total take on this with everything from bowling mechanics to 1:1 sword play while still retaining the other aspects that make Zelda what it is.
Yes, I’m most excited for a new Zelda adventure, but that implies I’m happy with more and more and more of the same. That’s why I chose “something else” in the poll above.
The Zelda games are almost universally great, so there’s little to complain about, but that doesn’t change a desire for an actual evolution of the Zelda formula. What I’ve seen in the preview trailers suggests we will get an evolution, motion controls aside. What I’m talking about is a deeper, more emotional story, true RPG mechanics (with the weapon upgrading) and a more richly realized world that is even more cohesive versus just interesting. These don’t constitute a revolution or truly “upending the tea table,” but with as formulaic as Zelda has been (Majora aside!), small changes and upgrades like these will seem grand.
Actually I’m a bit disappointed that Ganon’s not here! (At least, not that we can see yet.) I feel they’ve only just begun to characterize the guy, what with the lovely Macbeth-esque kind of deal we started getting with Wind Waker that kind of fell flat with Twilight Princess. There’s so much to do! So much to say! GIVE US GANON BACK.
I don’t think we need another Ganon scenario right now. Ganon is a great character and all but we need uniqueness in the next Zelda game. Majoras Mask had Majora. Minish Cap had Vaati. And they where all good games.
I have the same bitch with Metroid. Ridley is in almost every single Metroid game to date except Pinball and Metroid II.
When I heard he was going to be in other M I raged about it. How many times can someone recycle the same plot before it gets boring. :p
First, thumbs up for the Queen lyric, Adam! :)
Second, I’m getting the ordinary/special edition with the CD. I couldn’t justify getting yet another Wii Remote, even if it’s got Motion Plus built in, no matter how golden or Hylian-crested it is. Now if they had only packaged the CD with the Limited Edition version, then I would have dropped those £50 faster than you could say “Hey listen!”.
What I really want though is that shiny new Zelda themed 3DS. If I didn’t regret buying mine early before, I certainly do now :/
Not just Wii MotionPlus swordplay, but Wii MotionPlus use for all of the items as well!