Square Enix Suffers Massive Financial Losses, Will Move to New Multiplatform Strategy

The beleaguered giant will be targeting Nintendo consoles for future premium releases!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 05/14/2024 11:25 Comment on this     ShareThis

Things are looking bleak for Japanese development powerhouse Square Enix. The company, which is best known for its classic RPG series Final Fantasy, recently announced that it has suffered profit losses of roughly 70 percent. While there are some bright spots to point to, overall Square has seen games like Final Fantasy XVI, which launched last year exclusively on PlayStation 5, perform under expectations.

This has put the developer into a precarious position, so much so that along with its previous statements this past March about overhauling how it will make games moving forward, now word has come that Square is no longer going to be publishing its AAA software exclusively on PlayStation. The company will be going multiplatform for future releases, targeting launches on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo platforms.

This plan, dubbed Square Enix Reboots and Square Enix Awakens, will be implemented across the next three years. With word that the next Nintendo console is in active development, this means chances are good that the next premium AAA title from Square Enix could wind up on Switch’s successor. Still, with the seemingly endless flow of layoffs and studio closures in 2024, it’s disheartening to see Square in such a position.

Do you think things will pick up for Square Enix by doing this? Let us know in the comments and on social media.

Source: Forbes

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