Since the announcement of Pokémon Horizons: The Series back in March of 2023, fans have been debating the switch from original series heroes Ash and Pikachu to newcomers Liko and Roy. The idols, or some might say legends, have been talked about a lot regarding whether or not they’ll return. The Pokémon Company executives Andy Gose and Taito Okiura said to Variety that they were open to the idea of the two legends making a comeback. Here is what they said:
Gose: We’ve said farewell. Ash is still in the world. Anything is possible, I suppose. In the world of Pokémon, there’s so many possibilities.
Okiura: We hope Ash and Pikachu continue in their journey. Their journey is ongoing somewhere in the Pokémon world. It’s totally up to our fans’ imagination. For the time being, we would love to focus on the new story of the [sic] Liko and Roy. “Horizons” invites a new beginning.
After the 25 season reign of Ash and Pikachu their rule was called to a close. Even the voice actors came to say their final goodbyes at the end of the series. With this info in mind, those who wanted the original heroes to stick around might be happy to know one day Ash and Pikachu could still return.
Source: Variety
This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.