Nightly News Roundup: 10.08.2012

Rayman Legends slips into 2013, Poké-Oppression and more.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 10/08/2012 16:30 2 Comments     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Here’s the latest and the greatest from Nintendo and Nintendo-related areas on this Columbus Day (if you’re in the US)/Thanksgiving Day (if you’re in Canada)/Regular Day (if you’re elsewhere)!

Rayman Legends: Failure to Wii U Launch

Bad news for those of you who were looking forward to some fun platforming from the company Ubisoft this side of Christmas. They have officially confirmed that the game Rayman Legends will not be a launch title as it was originally believed to be. The game looked to be one of the first gems to cross the Wii U, which launches on November 18th, before this announcement was made.

Good things to come to those who wait a bit longer? Read our preview of Rayman Legends to find out!

It look as if fans of the franchise will have to wait until the first quarter of 2013 before they can get their hands on it. Hopefully, the delay will prove to be a good thing in which the game will be even better than it originally looked.

PETA: “Pokemon Encourages Animal Abuse!”

Once again, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is at it again, launching more campaign attacks against Nintendo. Last time, they attacked Super Mario Land 3D because of the tanooki suit and the alleged connotations of skinning animals. This time, they’re aiming their fire at Pokemon, creating a mock game in which kids play as the Pokemon in which they fight back against their human oppressors. Yes, seriously…

No actually, seriously. The music’s quite nice at least. (If it’s blank, refresh!)

When asked about it, the marketing director said that the games send the wrong message to kids about the exploitation and abuse of the Pokemon and that kids need to learn that it’s wrong. Sounds like someone was not too pleased about their portrayal as Team Plasma in Pokemon Black and White. (Oh snap! -Ed.) In actuality, Pokemon has always been huge about animal rights and treatment. Pokemon were treated as friends and not as tools for fighting. Those who did the latter were usually punished.

“Face of Playstation” Sued for Appearing in Commercial Featuring Nintendo Wii

Jerry Lambert, the actor who plays Sony’s VP of Everything Kevin Butler, has been sued by Sony. What makes this related to the Nightly News Roundup is the reason why he was sued: He appeared in a commercial for tires which included a Nintendo Wii.

Bridgestone Tires is featuring a promotion where if you buy four tires, you can get a choice between a $70 gift card from American Express or a free Nintendo Wii. In the ad, Lambert plays an overenthusiastic game tester whose playing backseat gamer to two of the other testers while they play Mario Kart Wii. He never once touches the system or plays it, just is encouraging them.

His part in the commercial has since been removed from the ad, but Sony still isn’t very thrilled about the fact that he appeared in the commercial, citing that it was “damaging to see their character in a commercial”….they know that Kevin Butler isn’t real, right? It was the actor who was in it.

Nevertheless, still a strange kooky turn in the world of video game politics.

That’s all for tonight’s edition. Good night and have a pleasant Columbus Day/Thanksgiving Day/Regular Day!

2 Responses to “Nightly News Roundup: 10.08.2012”

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    I loooove animals, even more than people, but this is just stupid.

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    Rayman absolutely looks like it will be worth waiting for, but I’m sure it was a heartbreaking decision to delay it past Wii U’s launch.

    As for PETA and Sony and everyone else who takes themselves far too seriously, not to mention having way too much time on their hands, please do your petty whining in the privacy of your own homes – you’re making colossal asses out of yourselves.

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