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Evan and Noah share their excitement for all the 3DS eshop games, and provide impressions on some titles released earlier this year.
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Recording Date
October 8, 2012
Evan and Noah
Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction: Game with Us News
00:05:58 Player Input: Marvel Pinball 3D, Ketzal’s Corridors, Style Savvy, Dillon’s Rolling Western, The Last Story
00:19:58 3DS’s eShop’s Upcoming Bonanza
00:28:36 Listener Feedback
00:36:06 Conclusion
00:38:43 Credits
00:40:32 Total Length
Evan @ disneyland for videogame event = so jealous!
I hope you tell Timon at Disneyland I said hi. I still find some puzzles on pushmo that I can’t solve. In my opinion EA has gotten too big and needs to be broken up. Anyone not going to download the Assassin Creed 3 DLC about George Washington being a king like me? I am looking forward to using the friend codes for Animal Crossing 3DS game. I agree with ejamer about the whole Mass Effect 3 because of my Nintendo loyalty. You sound okay to me from Disney world to me. I have finished new Super mario Bros. 2 already.
Evan , pleaassseeee, play xenoblade, i,m 92 hours into it and i havent finished it. If you feel dissapointed by the length of the last story, then xenoblade is the game for you, i also think that it has a pretty good story and characters you care for.
Evan you’re one of those dreaded people on my friend list, add me dammit looking forward to racing and now battling.
Last i checked i was all caught up on codes. As for the pokemon expert where he stands on the ban list. http://www.smogon.com/bw/banlist/ for some reason it rubs me the wrong way. i think it’s because the game wasn’t ment to be balanced that way example in a battle with lv100 pokemon kricketune sucks theres no way around it but lets look at his movepool http://serebii.net/pokedex-bw/402.shtml
notice something odd? His moves cap out at lv 50 less if you don’t care about perish song. Futhermore he evolves into his final form at level 10 Now look back at the original pokemon stadium do you remember how the cups where orginized if you don’t remeber the cups where orginised by level 30/50/100 if i remember corectly now what do you think would happen if you used kriketune at lv 50 remember most of the heavy hitters arn’t fully evolved at that level think about it.
Sorry…been busy. I’ll put a note on my phone to add everyone tonight. :(
Hey guys! Great show this week as always. Noah I am happy to know that you are enjoying Dillons Rolling Western. I wrote to you before explaining the game play but I never mentioned the other cool stuff like the art style, writing, and great music. I am glad you guys noted all of that in this show. What a great game. The Mass Effect situation really is a crappy one. I was considering picking up the Wii u version but now that I know about the trilogy on other consoles, I cant help but feel ripped off if I did. I am one of the few who picked up Metal Gear for the 3ds, only to find out about a trilogy being released every where else. So yeah, I am not doing that again. Evan your comments about The Last Story have not gone unnoticed. That game is still in my radar. I just hope it doesn’t fall through the cracks with all these games coming out. And about the friend code: I am on it! :) I dont have internet service yet in my new apartment. So its difficult to find a place to get my 3ds online. Hopefully by this weekend I will do that so that I can join everyone monday night.
I also recently bought Dillon’s Rolling Western and have had fun with it. I’ve only played 3-4 hours and although I like it, I find the game stresses me. You are either running against time collecting items before nightfall, or you are racing to destroy the enemies after nightfall. There is no downtime. I find myself choosing to play sparingly because I don’t want to feel stressed!
Dillon needs to be in Smash Bros. And if there is any justice in this world, he will get a sequel on the Wii U eShop. Then again, that dev team is probably up to their eyeballs in Zelda right now.
The first Non-Ambassador NES game to show up was Punch-Out. In Japan, they’ve already released NES Dr. Mario, Castlevania, Mega Man 1 – 3, and a few others. As for GBA stuff.. I don’t expect them to announce anything on those until after Christmas.
best buy is getting Wii U demo stations this upcoming wednesday, I’m so excited! What do you guys think about the upcoming restructuring of Nintendo proper?
“+ Major shift in Kyoto development sources involving 3 R&D buildings
+ Shigeru Miyamoto stepping down as EAD General Manager
+ Takash Tezuka becoming new EAD General Manager
+ New Groups / New Producers announced for EAD Kyoto / SPD Kyoto
+ EAD Tokyo Expansion / Masahiro Sakurai Possibly Joining EAD Tokyo
+ New Division lead by Miyamoto with younger staff focused on smaller scale games
+ Miyamoto’s Departure Inspiring New IPs for the EAD Kyoto Division”
A very enjoyable (and objectively unbiased) show guys
I want Mega Man. Moreso now than ever before.
At this point, I don’t care if it’s Legends (Though I prefer it), or Battle Network, or X, or even more of the classic series. I mean, is it just me, or has Mega Man been criminally neglected at this point? I mean, its one thing to take a hiatus, but it’s another thing entirely to disappear completely off the grid.
After all, it’s not like Mega Man has ever been bad. Unlike other series that have gone the way of the dinosaur, Mega Man didn’t run out of ideas, or neglect its fanbase, or release any bad games. In fact Mega Man 10 and Zero Collection were both excellent, and I don’t think they lost money for anyone.
Anyway, I just needed to vent. I just find it so depressing to see one of the most fun and versatile gaming franchises ever made disappear for no reason. After all, it is MegaMan’s 25th, and Capcom’s Megaman page is still stuck on his 20th. I guess I just wanted to give the Blue Bomber some props, because no one else seems to give a hoot.
Capcom, if you are listening, Legends 3 on the Wii U please.
That is all.