Nightly News Roundup: 09.24.2012

Of region locks, NES zappers, and waiting lists.

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 09/24/2012 20:00 Comment on this     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

Here’s the latest and the greatest going on in the world of Nintendo.

Nintendo Wii U: Region Locked For Your Displeasure

Just in case anybody seemed to be getting any bright ideas on trying to buy an import game, Nintendo has officially shot that pipe dream down. The Wii U has been confirmed to be region locked. That means Europeans can’t buy games from North America, North Americans can’t buy games from Japan, and so on. This is a move that has been rendered as a necessity due to gaming companies not wanting to lose money by games being bought abroad rather than at home. Wii and 3DS are both region locked, so this isn’t anything new with Nintendo, but it’s still a minor bummer in some respects.

Source: Wii U Daily

Macguyvers in Virginia Make a Childhood Dream Come True

Like most others who had the NES Zapper and always dreamed that they could shoot lasers out of it for real? Well some smart cookies down in Portsmouth, Virginia have taken that dream and made it happen. The group down at North Street Labs combined a 445nm diode, batteries, and wiring to make their own laser pistol. They even included a safety lock. In the video that was posted, they showed off the laser lighting a group of matches and being shot into a wall. The results are astounding to say the least.

Source: Engadget

GameStop Introduces the Wii U Wait List

For those who didn’t act soon enough on reserving themselves a Wii U, GameStop has come to the rescue… Well, sort of. If you are a member of the PowerUp Rewards, you have a chance to be put on a waiting list for a Wii U. If you’re not a member, you’re more than welcome to go to a local GameStop and sign up. While on the waiting list, you give your phone number and email to the place and they will come to inform you when a Wii U is in stock for them to pick up. Once you get the call, you have 48 hours to go pick it up. The only catch is that you don’t know how far up or down you will be on the list, there’s no guarantee that it’ll come by the time the holidays come, and you have to make the full payment on the day you pick it up.

If those don’t seem to be any kind of deal breakers, then by all means go to GameStop and get wait-listed. GameStop even has an FAQ for those who may have any further questions.


That’s all for today. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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