Pokémon X Nobunaga’s Ambition Details and Footage
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has revealed that the unusual tactics game, Pokémon X Nobunaga’s Ambition, initially began life as a Pokémon/Dynasty Warriors crossover. Tecmo Koei’s Yoichi Erikawa approached Pokémon producer, Tsunekazu Ishihara, with the idea for the collaboration, but Ishihara felt Nobunaga’s Ambition would make for a more suitable pairing. The magazine also revealed that the game’s development is being handled by Tecmo Koei.
In addition to that bit of information, fansite Nintendo Everything has uploaded a new trailer for the game. The video can be found at the link below.
Source: Andriasang, Nintendo Everything
Animal Crossing 3DS Hitting Japan This Summer
According to the Japanese gaming site, Gamememo, the 3DS installment of Animal Crossing is slated to hit Japan sometime this summer. It has also been speculated that the game will support downloadable content, though whether it will be distributed for free (as it has been for Animal Crossing: City Folk) or at a cost (like the upcoming iteration of Fire Emblem) has yet to be revealed.
Unlike past installments of the series, Animal Crossing 3DS allows players to assume the role of town mayor. A final release date for the game is expected to be announced at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.
Source: Google Translate (via NeoGAF)
“Small” Tales Announcement Coming Next Week
Mika Murakita, producer of the Tales games, recently stated over Twitter that there will be a small announcement concerning the series during next week’s Tales of Innocence R launch event. No further information has been divulged, but there is a chance the announcement could pertain to one of Nintendo’s current platforms. The event will be streamed live over Namco Bandai’s Ustream channel on January 22, so make sure to do the appropriate time conversions if you hope to watch it.
Source: Andriasang