You remember last week, right? You loved last week! On Nintendojo anyway; such things as presidential primaries, Italian cruise ships crashing into reefs and the British government attempting to smother the independent will of Scotland are somewhat beyond our control. On the plus side, we all know what a caucus is now! Maybe. (It sounds like a ruckus but isn’t the same. Or perhaps it is?)
But that’s not what we’re here to talk about it. We’re here to discuss our new, exciting content strategy that is in its second week of being rolled out. Yes, two weeks! If you enjoyed the new stuff we served up last week, it’ll be back next week. This week will bring brand new stuff into your life that will also be fortnightly. We like to keep you on your toes, dear reader.
In case you were under a rock/cruise ship last week (No that’s not a sick joke! They’re still finding survivors! -Ed.) then allow me to illuminate just what we’re unveiling as part of this fortnight of newness.
The same writers you know and love are kicking off brand-new columns this week! While Issue 84 brought you Kevin Knezevic’s Star Road and Pierre Bienaimé’s Square Roots, fantastic columns that you should definitely check out if you haven’t thus far, Issue 85 won’t give up that easily. Not only does our very own Lewis Hampson enter the fray with his brand new column Connection Error, a look at the pitfalls and perils of the more technical side of gaming, but his tag team partner will be Katharine Byrne’s Another Castle, the new home for all narrative and character-based discussion at Nintendojo.
And if that wasn’t enough, our Nightly News Roundups will be back once again! (And this time, we might remember we’re doing them and actually post one everyday!) Still fancy more excitement? We’re saving the best for last as Issue 86 will see the landing of Mel Turnquist’s brand new column on the world of the fanboy and Nintendo dedication. It’s so exclusive that we don’t even know the name of it yet. (No, it’s not because we haven’t thought of one yet! Promise. -Ed.)
And that’s what’s on our plate this week. Next to some sausages. And chips. We like chips.
PS – By “chips”, I of course meant “fries”. Apologies, America.
Issue 85: With A Vengeance
Casting Call by Mel Turnquist
This summer, Robert De Niro is Yoshi!
Another Castle: A Lofty Ballad by Katharine Byrne
In its inaugural edition, Katharine explains how to convert your attic via song.
This Pokédex is Full by Nester64x
“Back in my day, there was only 151 Pokémon. Shove off, Osha-hozer!”
Flash Games Inspired by Nintendo by Pierre Bienaimé
I’m not sure whether Pierre inspired Nintendo to inspire others or if he’s just writing the article..
Connection Error by Lewis Hampson
If this article doesn’t make it to publication, you know what our excuse will be.
Heavy-Handed Life Lessons from Video Games by Andrew Hsieh
“And so, we shouldn’t cheer when we kill the enemy. They have families.”
Additional features in this issue…
Every Single Day, Darn It!
- Nightly News Roundup by Nintendojo Staff
- Airship Travelogues 014 by M. Noah Ward and Marc N. Kleinhenz
- Week: End Game: On by Nintendojo Staff
Coming Up Next Week…
Issue 86: Neo 8-bit
The old and the new continue. You put them both together and you know you get the …? No, we won’t. Promise.