IGN Live: Phil Spencer Triples Down on Multiplatform Releases

“ You are going to see more of our games on more platforms.”

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 06/10/2024 13:52 Comment on this     ShareThis

Xbox made quite the statement during IGN Live yesterday, showing off multiple promising new projects that will hopefully reignite passion for the brand among consumers, including Gears of War: E-Day and Doom: The Dark Ages. Still, times have been rough for the company of late, with lawsuits and layoffs being top of the priorities list. So while Xbox certainly wants fans buying its software for Xbox consoles, the company remains set on spreading the love across as many platforms it can.

CEO Phil Spencer has once again reiterated how Xbox continues to want to get its games onto other platforms. He said the following to IGN:

“You are going to see more of our games on more platforms and we just see that as a benefit to the franchises we’re building and we see that from players and the players love to be able to play.”

Spencer also commented on the long-gestating rumors about an Xbox handheld. Here’s what Spencer teased the fans with:

”The future for us in hardware is pretty awesome. The work that the team is doing around different form factors, different ways to play, I’m incredibly excited about,” Spencer said. “Today was about the games… but we will have a time to come out and talk more about platform, and we can’t wait to bring it to you.”

Spencer also indicated that if a hypothetical Xbox handheld were to be real, being able to play beyond the limitations of the cloud would be essential. “I think being able to play games locally is really important,” Spencer said to IGN.

We know that there have been rumbling about Call of Duty coming to Switch at some point, but with Switch 2 on the horizon, Microsoft might be able to bring any number of new titles to Nintendo hardware in the not-so-distant future. We shall continue to report as we learn more about Microsoft’s cross-platform dreams for the Xbox ecosystem.

Source: IGN 1, IGN 2

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