Issue 91: Hear the Rebels

Vita what?

By Andrew Hsieh. Posted 02/27/2012 21:28 Comment on this     ShareThis

Last week, the PlayStation Vita came out, and after a brief ooh-and-aah session at Nintendojo Land, we all went back to our 3DS systems. Why? Well, it’s not because of fanboyism (although, to be fair, we are Nintendojo). It’s just that there’s so much stuff out here for us to play still. I for one still haven’t beaten Mutant Mudds completely, though to my own credit (or discredit), it’s because I’m terrible at platformers. Whoops and all that.

But really, there’s still plenty to play in Nintendoland. From recent games like Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D and Dillon’s Rolling Western (anyone playing the latter, by the by?) to ones far in the distance like Fire Emblem: Awakening and Etrian Odyssey IV, Nintendo and Co. are putting up quite the fight. We’re especially excited, of course, about those games that are as different from established IPs as Gears of War is to Super Mario Galaxy— games like Rhythm Thief and the Emperor’s Treasure or Culdcept 3DS. And while a lot of them aren’t coming out for a while, well, an armadillo protagonist in Dillon’s seems just as interesting.

True to form, we’re inspired once again this week to write tons of stuff for you, from Andy Hoover’s look at the prototypical video game empire to Katharine Byrne’s terrifying return to her old Animal Crossing game. This week also marks the debut of Mel Turnquist’s Fan Service column, where she talks about her own personal exploits in bringing video games to the outside world (hellooooo fanfic). And while there’s no podcast this week (sorry all) there will still be plenty of lovely people to talk to in the comments– and on Facebook and Twitter! (If you’re not on yet, what are you waiting for?)

Alright. It’s back to Mutant Mudds for me. I’m telling you, this game is hard. Or I’m just really, really terrible.


Issue 91: Hear the Rebels

Indestructible Empires by Andy Hoover
Why won’t those evil empires give up?

Another Castle: Special Delivery by Katharine Byrne
Katharine Byrne knows a thing or two about stories. Do video games?

Rhythm Heaven Fever Review by Mel Turnquist
You now have the “Laboratory of Love” song stuck in your head.

Cerebral Gamer: Rainfall!? by Joshua Johnston
Operation Rainfall succeeded, and Joshua Johnston has some apologizing to do.

Returning to Animal Crossing by Katharine Byrne
Weeds, weeds, everywhere, and nary a Byrne to be seen!

Fan Service: A Self-Examination of Shame by Mel Turnquist
We’ll let Mel explain this one herself.

Additional features in this issue…

Every. Single. Day.

  • Nightly News Roundup by Nintendojo Staff


  • Week: End Game: On by Nintendojo Staff

Coming Up Next Week…

Issue 92: Fallen Empires
Looks like they didn’t take Andy’s advice as the walls came crashing down …

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