Letter from the Editor…
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, aka SNES, was released in North America nineteen years ago this week: August 23, 1991. We could have waited until next year to get into the full-on twentieth anniversary celebration, but we love the old console too much to wait that long. What’s interesting for us at Nintendojo is that enough time has passed that a couple people on our staff haven’t even touched a Super Nintendo– but thanks to their crotchety elders they know all too well of the system’s legacy, a legacy that makes the system worth a week’s focus.
That’s why this week will be an interesting look at one of Nintendo’s most cherished home consoles– you’ll be reading stories from those of us who delighted as children to play classic platformers and RPGs in 16-bit glory, as well as stories from folks who’ve experienced the console’s charms only via the Virtual Console and handheld re-releases. Where do you exist on the timeline of SNES awareness? Whether a hands-on or virtual fan, we hope you like our look back at Nintendo’s mid-’90s heyday.
Issue 12: 16 Bits Are Better
What’s a SNES? by Adam Sorice
Adam wonders what this nostalgic kick is all about and when it’s going to be over.
16-Bits and Licensed to Innovate by Matthew Tidman
You kids in your fancy polygonal karts don’t know what it was like to race in the good ol’ days.
Nester64x: CONSOLE WARZ! by Nester64x
Were you a fan boy in the ’90s? That’s right you were. Nester’s going to tell us about the right– make that ONLY– side of the console war you should have been on some twenty years ago.
Hot Air: Supered by Aaron Roberts
Given that Aaron nearly avoided the GameCube altogether, you may be interested to read what he did with the SNES.
Love in the Time of SNES by Andrew Hsieh
Even many years ago, video games were bringing couples together. Sort of.
The RPG Era by Andy Hoover
The first thing to mind when you think Super Nintendo may be Super Mario World, but we hope the second thing is one of the many fantastic RPGs that flourished on the 16-bit console.
The Golden Era of 2D Fighting by Francisco Naranjo
Street Fighter may not be what it is today were it not for what was happening on Super Nintendo so many years ago.
Additional features in this issue…
- Nightly News Roundup by Robert Thompson
- Poll: What’s the best series to debut on SNES? by Aaron Roberts
- Nightly News Roundup by Greg Wampler
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 105 by M. Noah Ward
- Nightly News Roundup by Francisco Naranjo
- Nightly News Roundup by Carter Fagan
- Nightly News Roundup by M. Noah Ward
Coming Up Next Week…
Issue 13: The Return of Samus
To celebrate the release of Metroid: Other M, we take a loving look at the galaxy’s best bounty hunter.