Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 105: Heater

No technical issues will keep us from posting episode 105 of Dojo-Show-Go!

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 08/26/2010 11:47 1 Comment     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 105: Heater

Noah finally overcame his rapidly overheating laptop to finish editing this podcast for you. In it, he and Tidman have a hearty talk on what they’ve been playing and discuss whether our cherished video games should be memorialized.

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Recording Date
August 24, 2010

Noah and Tidman

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:40 What We’re Playing
00:26:59 Should We Be Putting Games in Museums?
00:40:00 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:41:22 Conclusion
00:42:05 Credits

00:44:13 Total Length


One Response to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 105: Heater”

  • 441 points
    Terr says...

    Hey guys, great show as always!
    Re: preservation of video games… it’s something I do for sure, but I don’t play my old systems. I keep them to have them, fearing if I play them they will eventually die. But if I don’t play them I can think to myself, hm I COULD go play them any time, but I won’t.

    I think it was Matthew who said that PS2’s have a high break rate? I don’t know how they were in the US, but mine lasted for ages without having to replace it. Then I bought the slim which lasted until a gaming related incident caused it to be hurled into a nearby wall, but the slim I replaced it with last up until now when I still play it every week. Handhelds I own almost every one of (I don’t think I have a NeoGeo though) & still fire up the GBA sometimes to play various pokemon games.

    I do think it’s important to preserve not just video games, but films & music too… & of course books which I have entirely too many of. Piling up in every corner of my flat are games & books, in some rooms piles halfway up walls. I guess I need some shelves, but who has the money for shelves when there are more games & books & films & music to buy?

    Well this is way too long, so just keep going guys! Remember your time limits, but it’s always nice to hear a little more than the 35 minutes :)

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